How do I delete or remove a Job Cost or Project Management commitment?
The solutions outlined in this article assume that Commitment Change Orders did not originate in the Purchasing application.
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Delete or move the commitment depending on the activity entered against the commitment

Option 1 If the commitment does not have related Accounts Payable invoices and does not have related commitment change orders, follow these steps to delete the commitment:

  1. In Job Cost, from the Tasks menu (or Project Management from the Contract Control menu), select Commitments.
  2. Enter the commitment ID.
  3. Click Delete Commitment.


Option 2

If the commitment has related Accounts Payable invoices but does not have related commitment change orders, follow these steps to delete the commitment:

  1. Unapply related Accounts Payable invoices
    1. In Accounts Payable, from the Tasks menu, select Change Invoices.
    2. Enter the vendor and invoice information.
    3. Remove the commitment ID from the distribution(s) lines.
      Note: If the invoice has payments against it and cannot remove the commitment from the distribution, enter reversing and correcting lines of distribution:
      1. Do not change the original distribution.
      2. On a new distribution line, type the commitment ID and enter exactly as the line you want to change, but enter the amount as a negative.
      3. Enter another line of distribution, coding to the Job and Cost Code but not to the commitment. Enter the amount as a positive.
      4. In AP Tasks> Record Manual Checks and record a $0 check
      5. For more information about the process for paid invoices. [BCB:321:Refer to article:ECB] How do I change distribution information on a paid Accounts Payable invoice?
    4. Accept the changes to the distributions and invoice.
    5. Repeat steps 1-4 for all invoices related to the commitment.
    6. Suppose you are on version 12 or later, and there was a Lien Waiver record created for the commitment. In that case, you will also need to delete the lien waiver for the commitment by going to AP Tasks, Subcontractor Compliance Management, select the applicable Job and Vendor for the commitment, highlight any Lien Waivers created and click [Delete Selected].
    7. Post entries in Accounts Payable and Job Cost (Tasks, Post Entries).
      Tip: If you entered reversing and correcting lines of distribution on a fully paid invoice, the invoice becomes open, and to reverse the dollars paid, you must record a zero amount check.


  2. Delete the commitment.
    1. In Job Cost from the Tasks menu (or Project Management from the Contract Control menu), select Commitments.
    2. Enter the commitment ID.
    3. Click Delete Commitment.

Option 3

If the commitment has related Accounts Payable invoices and has commitment change orders entered in Project Management, follow these steps to delete the commitment:


  1. Delete commitment change orders in Project Management.
    1. In Project Management, from the Contract Control menu, select Commitment COs.
    2. Click Find, and select the applicable job and commitment.
    3. Select the commitment change order and then click OK.
    4. Click Delete and then click Yes at the message, Are you sure you want to delete Commitment CO change order number?.
    5. Select the Enter new transaction date check box to enter a transaction date, or click OK to accept the default date. The reversal transactions use the same day as the original change order by default.
    6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each applicable Commitment CO.
    7. Click Close.


  2. Unapply related Accounts Payable invoices
    1. In Accounts Payable, from the Tasks menu, select Change Invoices.
    2. Enter the vendor and invoice information.
    3. Remove the commitment ID from the distribution(s) lines.
      Note: If the invoice has payments against it and cannot remove the commitment from the distribution, enter reversing and correcting lines of distribution:
      1. Do not change the original distribution.
      2. On a new distribution line, type the commitment ID and enter exactly as the line you want to change, but enter the amount as a negative.
      3. Enter another line of distribution, coding to the Job and Cost Code but not to the commitment. Enter the amount as a positive.
      4. In AP Tasks> Record Manual Checks and record a $0 check
      5. For more information about the process for paid invoices. [BCB:321:Refer to article:ECB] How do I change distribution information on a paid Accounts Payable invoice?
    4. Accept the changes to the distributions and invoice.
    5. Repeat steps 1-4 for all invoices related to the commitment.
    6. Post entries in Accounts Payable and Job Cost (Tasks, Post Entries).
      Tip: If you entered reversing and correcting lines of distribution on a fully paid invoice, the invoice becomes open and to reverse the dollars paid, you must record a zero amount check.



  3. Delete the commitment.
    1. In Job Cost from the Tasks menu (or Project Management from the Contract Control menu), select Commitments.
    2. Enter the commitment ID.
    3. Click Delete Commitment.

Option 4

If the commitment has related Accounts Payable invoices and/or related commitment change orders not created in Project Management, follow these steps to delete the commitment:

Note: You will be MOVING the commitment & transactions out, not deleting the Commitment. Always make a backup of your entire data folder before moving records.

  1. Unapply related Accounts Payable invoices.
    1. In Accounts Payable, from the Tasks menu, select Change Invoices.
    2. Enter the vendor and invoice information.
    3. Remove the commitment ID from the distribution(s) lines.
      Note: If the invoice has payments against it and cannot remove the commitment from the distribution, enter reversing and correcting lines of distribution:
      1. Do not change the original distribution.
      2. On a new distribution line, type the commitment ID and enter exactly as the line you want to change, but enter the amount as a negative.
      3. Enter another line of distribution, coding to the Job and Cost Code but not to the commitment. Enter the amount as a positive.
      4. In AP Tasks> Record Manual Checks and record a $0 check
      5. For more information about the process for paid invoices. [BCB:321:Refer to article:ECB] How do I change distribution information on a paid Accounts Payable invoice?
    4. Accept the changes to the distributions and invoice.
    5. Repeat steps 1-4 for all invoices related to the commitment.
    6. Post entries in Accounts Payable and Job Cost (Tasks, Post Entries).
      Tip: If you entered reversing and correcting lines of distribution on a fully paid invoice, the invoice becomes open and can be included on your next check run to record a zero amount check.


  2. Reverse commitment totals, both original and approved changes.
    1. In Job Cost, from the Tasks menu, select Commitment COs.
    2. Enter and approve a change order to reverse the total approved changes.
    3. If pending change orders exist for the commitment, change the status to Not issued or Denied. (Alternatively, if they were created in Project Management, these may be deleted).
    4. If the commitment change orders were created in Job Cost, they cannot be deleted, but the approved reversal change order from step two will make the approved changes balance zero.
    5. Remove the original amounts from the Enter Commitment window.


  3. Move commitment and transactions to archive files.
    1. In Job Cost, from the Tools menu, select Move, Commitments.
    2. Enter a destination file location and name.
    3. Click Ranges and select the commitment to move.
    4. Click Start.
    5. From the Tools menu, select Move, Transactions, Current to Current. Enter a condition for the commitment ID.
    6. Click Start.

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Steps to duplicate
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How do I change distribution information on a paid Accounts Payable invoice?
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Warning: Invoices have been generated against this Commitment or commitment CO amounts have been applied against it.