| How to generate passwords for payroll direct deposit stubs using Paperless Office |
Description | NOTE: - Whatever Default Employee Password selection option is selected (None, Social Security or Random), this will be the default password assigned when the window opens in Employee Maintenance > Paperless options; it can be changed.
- If Social Security Number is selected as the Default Employee Password, the password will include the dash separators (i.e. 123-45-6789)
- Generate Passwords is used to generate passwords for employees that DO NOT have a password. Using this command multiple times may not have the desired results as employees do have a password after this is initially run.
- Passwords are required to open direct deposit stubs in PDF format. You can generate passwords for all employees who do not have a password. The password can be changed from Employee Maintenance or Employee Self-Service.
Resolution | Passwords are required to open direct deposit stubs in PDF format. To generate passwords for all employee records without a password (blank) already defined in Employee Maintenance: - Open Paperless Office, Setup, Form Maintenance.
- In the Company Code field, select the company.
- In the Module Code field, select P/R.
- In the Document list, select Direct Deposit Stub.
- Select the Enable Electronic Delivery check box, if direct deposit stubs are being e-mailed to employees.
- Enter the appropriate options, and then click Additional tab.
- Select Social Security Number, Random, or Blank in the Default Employee Password list.
NOTE: - If Random is selected, employees receive an e-mail with a case-sensitive random password between 6 and 10 characters. The password contains at least one number and one character.
- If the Social Security Number is selected, the following email message is sent to the employee: "Your password for viewing your direct deposit stubs is your Social Security Number."
- Click the Generate Passwords button.
NOTE: When the process is complete, a message will be displayed showing the number of passwords generated. - Expand Payroll, Main, and Employee Maintenance.
- In the Employee No. field, select the employee record.
- Click Direct Deposit button
- Click Paperless button
- Click E-mail Password button.
NOTE: In PDF Delivery Options, E-mail needs to be selected, and a valid e-mail address must be defined. - Click Accept 3 times and then close the Employee Maintenance window.
NOTE: Passwords can be changed for employee maintenance or employee self-service.