How do I perform the Means integration or use the Means Integrator? (Pervasive SQL)
[BCB:2:Database warning:ECB]

Q: What is RS Means and why does it matter?

A: RS Means or RSMeans or commonly known as Means is North America's leading supplier of construction cost information. This information is used to provide fast and reliability construction cost estimates. Sage Estimating leverages this information to enable Sage Estimating databases to have the most up to date pricing.

Q: What is the Means Integrator?

A: The raw data supplied in Means format (*.MIM files) is not usable in Sage Estimating until it is "integrated" into a usable Sage Estimating format (i.e. pei.dat, pes.dat and so on). This is accomplished through the Means Integrator. Each version of Sage Estimating and release of updated Means databases comes with an updated version of the Means Integrator.

Q: If I purchased a Means database, does that mean I own the Means database?

A: Saying "Means database" is like saying "Sage product". This is a generic term and is not useful from a support standpoint. You must specify the exact Means database you are referring to. For example, you must specify "I purchased the Means Civil database" or "I purchased the Means Commercial database." There are over a dozen Means databases.

Q: What if I use the CK (Commercial Construction Knowledge - also known as the TCCK, CCK) database?

A: The CK database is based off the Means BCCD Union database. When updating the CK database, you may notice it includes both the TCCK.MIM and BCCD.MIM files (or *.MIMX for the SQL Estimating version). When using the Means Integrator, you must select both files.

Q: Do I use the Means Integrator to upgrade or install new CK databases?

A: Both. Read instructions below.

Installing a new CK database: The CK database is unique in that it provides a specific executable to install a brand new database. This will include appropriate components such as assemblies or models (if you purchased the "with models" version).

Updating an existing CK database with updated pricing: The Means Integrator is only used for updating pricing using the TCCK.MIM and BCCD.MIM files if you subscribe to annual price updates for the CK database. If you use the Means Integrator on the TCCK.MIM and BCCD.MIM files to create a new CK database, you will notice it is missing assemblies and other components. Only use the Means Integrator in combination with the CK database to update pricing, and not for creating a brand new CK database.

  Note: When updating the CK database with the Means Integrator, only Means items will have its pricing updated. The CK database includes custom items from Sage that will not have its pricing updated by the Means pricing update. This is working as intended.


  1. You will be running the Means (or CK update) installation, which will lay down the raw data in *.MIM / *.MIMX file(s) format. This only lays down these raw files and your Estimating database won't be updated yet.
  2. After the *.MIM / *.MIMX files are laid down, you will then be running the Means Integrator utility to actually "integrate" these *.MIM / *.MIMX files into your existing Sage Estimating database, or to create a new Sage Estimating database.


Install your Means *.MIM or *.MIMX files(which will either automatically install the Means Integrator or give you an option to choose)

  1. If you've received an email to download the Means database or updates, click on download link to do so.
  2. The Sage download manager window will appear, click on Download.
  3. You will see the Browse For Folder window, please verify your location.
    • The default location is your Downloads folder.
  4. Browse to the downloaded folder and double-click on the proper executable (which depending on version, it may show up as IMeans.exe, DeployDB.exe, or another self-identifiable name). This will install the *.MIM / *.MIMX file(s) (pronounced "mim" or "mim-x") and the Means Integrator.
  5. When prompted for an activation code, make a note of the DBx-xx number (i.e. DB3-01, DB1-10 or some specific number). You will need your activation codes to continue and on the next steps. To find your activation codes you can do any of the following:
    • Locate your original activation codes email sent to you.
    • Go online at and log into your Sage account (or create a login using your Company Client ID - 400xxxxxxx number).
    • Have Sage support email you the activation codes. For security reasons, we can only email this to the primary/standard contact of your company.
  6. In the installation window, select the boxes that apply to the version of Estimating you have installed and select Means Integrator when given the option.
  7. The installation screen will display where the *.MIM / *.MIMX file(s) will be extracted to. Make a note of it.
    • The default path is C:\Users\Public\Estimating\Means
  8. Click Install.

Use the Means Integrator utility to actually create or update your Estimating database.

  1. From you Windows start menu, locate and launch Means Integrator. This is generally under the Sage folder menu and other subfolders, depending on the version.
  2. Read the initial screen that comes up which refers to Transfer Data and Update Data.
  3. If you missed the initial screen, click the Back button and read the information.
  4. After reading the initial screen, click Next and choose one of the following options:
    • If you are installing a Means database for the first time, or you choose to install one for the first time and not use your existing Means database:
      1. Choose Transfer Data.
      2. Choose New Database.
      3. Click the bottom Browse button to choose the *.MIM files laid down in the previous steps. The default path is C:\Users\Public\Estimating\Means
      4. Click the top Browse button or type in the path you wish to set up the Sage Estimating database in. This will be the path to your Estimating database.
        • Notes:
          • You may need to create this folder so the path exists before you can type in a value. If the Next button is grayed out, this usually means the folder path you typed does not exist.
          • If you are attempting to integrate older *.MIM files, you may be prompted to upgrade the files prior to continuing. Close out of the Means Integrator and use Estimating Tools to upgrade the *.MIM files prior to starting the Means Integrator process.
      5. Click Next and follow the prompts to choose the options you want.
        • Note: These options are for you (the customer) to decide. Sage Support cannot give you recommendations for most of these settings as these are industry standard options you are expected to know as an estimator. These options can affect how Sage Estimating behaves and how report calculations are done. If you are unsure what options to choose, click the Helpbutton, speak with your Estimating industry expert, or contact your certified Sage Estimating consultant.
      6. Follow the prompts to finish the integration process in order to create your Sage Estimating database.
    • If you are updating pricing for a Means or CK database:
      1. Choose Update Data.
      2. Click the bottom Browse button to choose the new *.MIM files. The default path is C:\Users\Public\Estimating\Means
      3. The middle section should have prefilled with your existing Estimating database. If this is not the correct database you wish to update, click the top Browse button and locate the Estimating database you wish to update.
      4. Click Next and follow the prompts to choose the options you want.
        • Note: These options are for you (the customer) to decide. Sage Support cannot give you recommendations for most of these settings as these are industry standard options you are expected to know as an estimator. These options can affect how Sage Estimating behaves and how report calculations are done. If you are unsure what options to choose, click the Helpbutton, speak with your Estimating industry expert, or contact your certified Sage Estimating consultant.
      5. Follow the prompts to finish the integration process in order to update pricing on your Sage Estimating database.

Important Notes:

  • If you are updating prices in an existing database, back up your database prior to starting the integration process.
  • If you are unsure which options to choose during the integration process, click the Help button, speak with your Estimating industry expert or certified Sage Estimating consultant. You can also try various options and extract the data multiple times (to different locations) to see which ones work best for your organization.

Steps to duplicate
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