| How do I use the Accounts Payable Recalculate 1099 Totals tool to correct 1099 amounts? |
Description | 1099 amounts do not include the following:
- Taxes paid.
- Discounts taken.
- Deductions.
- Payments made by credit card.
- Payments made for distributions marked as "exempt".
Cause |
1099 totals can be affected by a number of different settings and workflows, including:
- The setting for how Accounts Payable stores 1099 totals - by vendor only or by vendor and by GL prefix (File, Company Settings, AP Settings)
- The setting for Retain 1099 totals by GL prefix was set mid-year (File, Company Settings, AP Settings)
- Closed the 1099 year at the wrong time and began to pay invoices. As an example, the 1099 year was still 2021 when you began to record payments for 2023.
- Closed the 1099 year too many times and is now in a future year.
- Changed the setting to include or exclude misc deduction 1 with the 1099 totals. Sometimes Misc Deduct 1 is also known as Workers Comp. (File, Company Settings, AP Settings, Invoice Settings)
- An invoice or distribution(s) was paid by credit card.
- An invoice distribution(s) was marked as exempt.