How do I verify my 1099 amount paid for a vendor in Accounts Payable?


[BCB:5:Third-party support:ECB]



For versions 13.1 and newer

You can use Recalculate 1099 Totals to update the 1099 amounts. Refer to How do I use the Accounts Payable Recalculate 1099 Totals tool to correct 1099 amounts?

Learn more: Visit Sage University to watch a video that shows you how to perform this task. Search for the Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate anytime learning subscription titled Year-end Procedures.


If you are not able to use the recalculate tool due to data that is in history or for other reasons, you can use the following solution:


  • If you already know what your correct 1099 totals are and want to know how to manually correct those totals in Accounts Payable, refer to How do I manually edit 1099 amounts for Accounts Payable vendors?
  • 1099 amounts do not include the following:
    • Taxes paid.
    • Discounts taken.
    • Deductions.
    • Payments made by credit card.
    • Payments made for distributions marked as "exempt".

Follow the instructions below to verify and correct your Accounts Payable 1099 totals:

Review the following important considerations to assist you with determining which 1099 reconciliation report you need to download as follows:

  • Determine whether or not your 1099 year is correct and up to date. Refer to How do I verify whether my 1099 year is correct in Accounts Payable?
  • Determine whether or not you want to print 1099s for this year or last year depending on your current Accounts Payable 1099 year ending date.
  • Determine if you need to print one 1099 for each vendor in the data folder or one for each vendor by General Ledger fiscal entity. If you are unsure as to whether you need to print 1099s by fiscal entity or not, contact your accountant and/or your Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate consultant.
  • If you want to print 1099s for different fiscal entities, determine which General Ledger prefix corresponds to your fiscal entity level. You may have up to three different General Ledger prefixes in your GL account format, and your fiscal entity level can be set to any one of those. Or your fiscal entity level may be set at the data folder level. Refer to How do I verify the fiscal entity level, balance sheet level, and other prefix setup information in General Ledger?
  • If you use cash basis accounting method, do not use the following reports. Instead use the Paid Invoices or Paid Invoices by Property report. If you use accrual basis accounting method, use the table below as a reference to assist you in determining the report design that you need.

Note: If you want to print 1099s for different fiscal entities, use the report that corresponds to the fiscal entity level for which you want to print 1099s, not the total number of prefixes you have. For example, you may have three different General Ledger prefixes, but if the fiscal entity that you want to print 1099s for has the fiscal entity level set at the B prefix level, download and use the AP 1099 Amt Pd by Prefix AB Recon report. For information on determining the fiscal entity level, refer to How do I verify the fiscal entity level, balance sheet level, and other prefix setup information in General Ledger?

Reports for versions 9.8 and newer
If you use versions 9.8 or later, download and save the appropriate report designs, which include Electronic Fund Transfer payments in the totals, from the Attachments below. Refer to How do I save, add, and print a report design?

1099 Method And Time Period

Report To Save And Print

1099s by vendor (for this year)


1099s by Prefix A (for this year)


1099s by Prefix AB (for this year)


1099s by Prefix ABC (for this year)


1099s by vendor (for last year)


1099s by Prefix A (for last year)


1099s by Prefix AB (for last year)


1099s by Prefix ABC (for last year)


  • Use Reports Manager in Accounts Payable to add the appropriate report to your menu.
  • IMPORTANT: Do not add any ranges or conditions when you print any of the 1099 reconciliation reports provided in this article; ranges and conditioning these reports can cause incorrect results on the report.

Print the report design and use it to verify and correct your 1099 totals.

  • Refer to Option 1 for detailed information on printing the 1099s by vendor (for this year) report (AP1099ThisYrAmtPdByVendorReconAPrev1.rpt).
  • Refer to Option 2 for detailed information on printing the 1099s by vendor (for last year) report (AP1099LastYrAmtPdByVendorReconAPrev1.rpt).
  • Refer to Option 3 for detailed information on printing any of the other reports.

Option 1: Print the AP 1099 This Yr Amt Paid by Vendor Reconciliation report to determine the correct 1099 vendor totals for the current 1099 year

  1. Select the report to print it either from Report Designer or the Accounts Payable Reports menu as appropriate.
  2. Select AP Master and click OK.
    • Note: Do not select both AP Master and AP Invoice (history) at the same time when you print the report. If you have moved any checks to history in Accounts Payable for the year you print the report for, you must print the report twice. Follow all the steps in Option I to print the report and select AP Master in step 2. Then follow all the steps again, but select AP Invoice (history) in step 2. Add the amounts in the Calculated 1099 Amt Paid column together for each vendor to determine the correct 1099 total for each vendor.
  3. In the Start date box, type the beginning of the calendar year you want to verify the 1099 totals for. For example, if you want to verify 1099 totals for 2021, enter 01/01/2021.
  4. In the End date box, type the ending of the calendar year you want to verify the 1099 totals for. For example, if you want to verify 1099 totals for 2021, enter 12/31/2021.
  5. Do not click Ranges or Conditions. Ranging or conditioning these reports can result in incorrect information on the reports.
  6. Click Print Preview to view the report, or click Start to print the report to a file or printer.
    • When you view the report, the This Year 1099 Amount column indicates your current 1099 year totals in Accounts Payable (Setup, Vendors, 1099 Settings). The Calculated 1099 Amt Paid column indicates the correct 1099 total for each vendor based on your actual transactions for the Start date and End date you specified.
    • If there is a difference, use the Calculated 1099 Amt Paid column to correct your 1099 totals. Refer to How do I manually edit 1099 amounts for Accounts Payable vendors?

Option 2: Print the AP 1099 Last Yr Amt Paid by Vendor Reconciliation report to determine the correct 1099 vendor totals for the prior 1099 year

  1. Select the report to print it either from Report Designer or the Accounts Payable Reports menu as appropriate.
  2. Select AP Master and click OK.
    • Note: Do not select both AP Master and AP Invoice (history) at the same time when you print the report. If you have moved any checks to history in Accounts Payable for the year you print the report for, you must print the report twice. Follow all the steps in Option I to print the report and select AP Master in step 2. Then follow all the steps again, but select AP Invoice (history) in step 2. Add the amounts in the Calculated 1099 Amt Paid column together for each vendor to determine the correct 1099 total for each vendor.
  3. In the Start date box, type the beginning of the calendar year you want to verify the 1099 totals for. For example, if you want to verify 1099 totals for 2021, enter 01/01/2021.
  4. In the End date box, type the ending of the calendar year you want to verify the 1099 totals for. For example, if you want to verify 1099 totals for 2021, enter 12/31/2021.
  5. Do not click Ranges or Conditions. Ranging or conditioning these reports can result in incorrect information on the reports.
  6. Click Print Preview to view the report, or click Start to print the report to a file or printer.
    • When you view the report, the Last Year 1099 Amount column indicates your last year 1099 year totals in Accounts Payable (Setup, Vendors, 1099 Settings). The Calculated 1099 Amt Paid column indicates the correct 1099 total for each vendor based on your actual transactions for the Start date and End date you specified.
    • If there is a difference, use the Calculated 1099 Amt Paid column to correct your 1099 totals. Refer to How do I manually edit 1099 amounts for Accounts Payable vendors?

Option 3: Print any of the 1099 reconciliation reports by prefix

  1. Select the appropriate report to print it either from Report Designer or the Accounts Payable Reports menu as appropriate.
  2. Select AP Master and click OK.
    • Note: Do not select both AP Master and AP Invoice (history) at the same time when you print the report. If you have moved any checks to history in Accounts Payable for the year you print the report for, you must print the report twice. Follow all the steps in Option II to print the report and select AP Master in step 2. Then follow all the steps again, but select AP Invoice (history) in step 2. Add the amounts in the Calculated 1099 Amount Paid (Y) column from both reports together for each vendor to determine the correct 1099 total for each vendor.
  3. In the Start Date box, type the beginning of the calendar year you want to verify the 1099 totals for. For example, if you want to verify 1099 totals for 2021, enter 01/01/2021.
  4. In the End Date box, type the ending of the calendar year you want to verify the 1099 totals for. For example, if you want to verify 1099 totals for 2021, enter 12/31/2021.
  5. For the following reports, type the description of the requested prefix in the prompt field. You can find the description in File, Company Settings, Custom Descriptions, Set Up Sections button on the GL Account field.
    • AP1099AmtPdByPrefixABReconAP.rpt
    • AP1099AmtPdByPrefixABCReconAP.rpt
    • AP1099LstYrAmtPdByPrefixABReconAP.rpt
    • AP1099LstYrAmtPdByPrefixABCReconAP.rpt
  6. Do not click Ranges or Conditions. Ranging or conditioning these reports can result in incorrect information on the reports.
  7. Click Print Preview to view the report, or click Start to print the report to a file or printer.
    • When you view the report, the Prefix Total YTD 1099 Amount (X) column, or the Prefix Total Last Year 1099 Amount (X) column, indicate your 1099 prefix total in Accounts Payable for the current or previous 1099 year as appropriate. The Calculated 1099 Amount Paid (Y) column indicates the correct 1099 total for each prefix and vendor based on your actual transactions for the Start Date and End Date you specified.
    • If there is a difference, use the Calculated 1099 Amount Paid (Y) column to correct your 1099 prefix totals. Refer to How do I manually edit 1099 amounts for Accounts Payable vendors?

Attachment: AP1099ThisYrAmtPdByVendorReconAPrev1.rpt
Attachment: AP1099LastYrAmtPdByVendorReconAPrev1.rpt
Attachment: AP1099AmtPdByPrefixAReconAP.rpt
Attachment: AP1099AmtPdByPrefixABReconAP.rpt
Attachment: AP1099AmtPdByPrefixABCReconAP.rpt
Attachment: AP1099LstYrAmtPdByPrefixAReconAP.rpt
Attachment: AP1099LstYrAmtPdByPrefixABReconAP.rpt
Attachment: AP1099LstYrAmtPdByPrefixABCReconAP.rpt

[BCB:156:Chat 300 CRE US:ECB]

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