| PM Aged Receivable report does not balance with the GL receivable account |
Resolution | [BCB:5:Third-party support:ECB]
Several situations may cause a difference between Property Management receivables and General Ledger. Review the situations below that may cause the Aged Receivable reports, Detailed Aged Receivable (DAR) report or Summarized Aged Receivable (SAR), in Property Management to be out of balance with your General Ledger receivable account. An out of balance situation may be caused by one or more of the following situations:
- Not all of the accounts are being included when comparing to General Ledger.
- The Aged Receivable includes prepayments and open credits along with receivables. When you compare the Aged Receivable report to General Ledger, be sure to include the prepayment and open credit clearing accounts in the General Ledger total.
- In Property Management, you can verify the receivable and prepayment accounts from Setup, Charge Types, Receivable and Prepayment columns.
- To verify your Open Credit Clearing account, from the File menu, select Company Settings, PM Settings, GL Information.
- There are unposted entries in General Ledger.
- In General Ledger, from the Tasks menu, select Post Entries, and then click Ranges to verify that all Property Management (PM) batches are posted.
- There are entries in General Ledger that are not from Property Management.
- To determine entries that did not originate from Property Management:
- In General Ledger select Reports, Entries, Entries by Batch.
- Select Current and History then click OK.
- Select Conditions.
- Add the following conditions:
- Account Equal to [receivable account number]
- AND Application of Origin Not equal to PM
- AND Accounting Date Less than or equal to [the cutoff date your reconciling]
- The new file is being included or the history file is being excluded from the Aged Receivable report.
- If you have Clear Paid Items (moved transactions to history in Property Management) for the time period you are reconciling, include the History file along with the Current file when you run the Aged Receivable report.
- The cut-off date entered for the Aged Receivable report does not match the period you are comparing to in General Ledger.
- Verify that the cut-off date you enter for the Aged Receivable is the last day of the period you are comparing to in General Ledger.
- There may be entries that originated from Property Management where the accounting date was changed only in General Ledger.
- Use the Transaction Information inquiry in Property Management to view transactions with accounting dates that are beyond the cut-off date entered on the Aged Receivable report:
- From the Inquiry menu, select Transaction Information and then select the Current
transaction file.
- Click Conditions.
- From the field list, select Accounting Date.
- Under Operator, select Greater than.
- In the Value box, enter the cut-off date.
- Click OK twice.
- If transactions display, add a column for the Accounting Date as follows:
- Double-click any column heading or click the Select button.
- Select Add column after this column and click OK.
- Select Accounting Date and click OK.
- Repeat the steps to add a column for Batch.
- Compare these entries to the entries in your General Ledger. If these future dated entries are in the General Ledger for the month you are reconciling, determine if you need to make correcting entries.
- The attached report displays more detail for the entries that appear on the default Detailed Aged Receivable. Print the report and review it for the following situations:
- There may be transactions in Property Management that were entered incorrectly and debited or credited the wrong accounts.
- For example, a CRA Credit Adjustment you enter in Miscellaneous Entries should debit revenue and credit receivables, but it was incorrectly entered as a debit to receivables and credit to revenue. From the report, compare the debit account, credit account, and Transaction Type to the accounts that should be affected. See article DocLink: What General Ledger accounts are affected by Property Management entries? for additional information. This helps you determine if a transaction debited or credited accounts incorrectly.
- Another example, a charge was manually entered to satisfy an open prepayment but the receivable account was debited on the charge instead of the prepayment account.
- Entries may have been applied to the wrong prefix.
- For example, property ABC has a prefix of 100 while property XYZ has a prefix of 200. You run the Detailed Aged Receivable for property ABC but the transactions were posted to prefix 200. If this problem occurs repeatedly on specific leases, verify the prefix assigned to the lease in Tasks, Manage Leases, Change Lease, Chg Controls tab, GL Prefix column.
- There may be entries that originated from Property Management where the accounting date was changed only in General Ledger. If the accounting date in one application falls after the period you are reconciling while the accounting date in the other application is on or before, this may cause a difference between the Detailed Aged Receivable and General Ledger.
- Batches could be missing in General Ledger if Create Entries from Property Management to General Ledger was turned off at any time or if the new.glt file was deleted or renamed when it contained unposted Property Management batches.
DocLink: How do I save, add, and print a report design? DocLink: What General Ledger accounts are affected by Property Management entries? Attachment: 196_20230425115658_pm_detailed_aged_receivable_transaction_detail.rpt
[BCB:156:Chat 300 CRE US:ECB] |