Some causes for the Cash Management bank account and the General Ledger cash account to be out of balance are:
- An entry was made directly to the GL cash account from an application task that would not affect Cash Management. Such as:
- Record Entries in GL.
- Accounts Payable Enter invoices, the cash account is entered as the Expense account.
- Enter Direct Costs in Job Cost.
- The same cash account was entered as both the debit and credit account in a CM Edit Register transaction. This would have affected CM without affecting GL.
- Unposted entries for the cash account in the GL new file. To post the entries, in General Ledger select Tasks, Post Entries.
- Bank Statement Ending Balance amount entered incorrectly.
- Converted balances or beginning balance entries where the amounts are different between CM and GL.
- The Bank Account has not finished the Setup Assistant in CM.
- A bank transfer was entered in the Edit Register task instead of Bank Transfer or was done with an Accounts Payable check. Refer to Why is one side of my bank transfer missing from one bank account?
- An intercompany bank transfer was recorded and the IC box did not get mark to prefill the intercompany accounts and the same cash account was manually selected for the offsetting intercompany debit/credit account. Refer to How do I correct a CM intercompany bank transfer that was recorded with incorrect intercompany accounts?
- An entry was moved out of the new file in General Ledger.
- An entry is missing due to an abort.
- A voided check that is Cleared or Reconciled with a date before the void date. Refer to Bank Reconciliation report balances are off by voided checks
- A manual check was voided and deleted in a period other than the original check date.
- An item that cleared the bank was not recorded and reconciled in CM but the bank reconciliation (Reconcile task) was finished without it.
- A CM entry with tax was deleted or changed and the amount of the tax was not reversed properly.
To determine the exact cause of Cash Management and General Ledger being out of balance, refer to Reconciling the Cash Management Bank Reconciliation Report and General Ledger and How do I reconcile Cash Management to General Ledger? (By Transaction or Batch).