Task buttons are missing in Property Management

Your monitor display text size is NOT set to Smaller 100% and is instead using one of the medium or larger settings: 125%, 150%, 175%


Close Sage 300 CRE, change your display text size to Smaller 100% and log out of Windows and back in to apply the display settings. You may want to adjust your screen resolution size to offset the smaller display text size.

Refer to article ID 17328 DocLink: Task windows appear too small, grids and columns overfill the screen, drop-down lists are cut off, or buttons are missing for detailed information.

DocLink: Aatrix W2/1099 Preparer crashes when moving between fields
DocLink: Task windows appear too small, grids and columns overfill the screen, drop-down lists are cut off, or buttons are missing

[BCB:156:Chat 300 CRE US:ECB]
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