How to install and configure the Client/Server (C/S) ODBC Print driver for Sage 100 Advanced version 2013 and higher
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Note: For Sage 100 ERP Advanced (formerly Sage MAS 200) versions 4.10.1 through 4.50, there is a separate set of instructions. See the Related Resources section of this document.

Client/Server ODBC driver components, when installed and configured, will allow remote workstations to process worktables using server-side ODBC processing. Report rendering is completed using a locally cached copy of the form or report and a local SAP Crystal Reports print engine.

Remote workstations running over a WAN link connected through a VPN are ideal candidates for using the C/S ODBC Driver. Forms and reports will print significantly faster from remote workstations.Server-Side Configuration as an Application or as a Service

Set up the Client/Server ODBC driver to run as an Application or as a Service before configuring the server. Decide which to use before proceeding.

  • To run as an Application:

Note: This will have to be done each time the application is closed, such as when the server is shut down and restarted.

    1. Access the server where Sage 100 ERP Advanced is installed
    2. Open Windows Explorer and locate the pvxiosvr.exe file in "..\MAS90\Home"
    3. Right-click pvxiosvr.exe and select "Run as Administrator"
    4. A small "ProvideX File Server" window should appear a status message: "The Server is Running". Allow it to stay running. (It can be stopped by clicking the "Shutdown" button.)

To run as a Service:

  • Create the Service:
    (Note: If the service is set to always start Automatically, it will do so each time the server is shut down and restarted.)
    1. Access the server where Sage 100 ERP Advanced is installed
    2. From the Windows Desktop, access Start, and Run
    3. Type: CMD
    4. Press Shift+Enter to open Administrator Command Prompt
      (or Go to Start, Programs, Accessories. Right-click 'Command Prompt' and select 'Run as Administrator')
    5. Enter the local path to pvxiosvr.exe file, followed by a Space and then the parameter of -i Example: "C:\Sage\MAS90\Home\pvxiosvr.exe" -i
    6. A service should be created, called "Sage 100 ERP Client Server ODBC Driver Service"
      • Note: If another service (such as "Provide IO Service", the service name of the CS ODBC driver for earlier versions such as 4.50) already exists, the service will not be created. If the other service is not needed, delete it. For more information, see the Related Resources section below.
  • Configure the Service:
    1. Access the server where Sage 100 ERP Advanced is installed
    2. From the Windows Desktop, open Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services
    3. Verify the "Sage 100 ERP Client Server ODBC Driver Service" exists
    4. Right-click the service, select Properties
    5. On the General tab, select the Startup type "Automatic"
    6. On the Logon tab, enter the Login and Password for a Domain Administrator-level account rather than using the Local System account.
      • Note: In some environments, not having the correct permissions may lead to a "Database logon failure" message when attempting to run reports.
    7. Click Start to start the service, then click OK to exit Properties.
    8. Verify the service is "Started" before existing the Services window
  • How to fix Windows Service Manually when set up incorrectly
    1. From Windows go to Run and enter Regedit
    2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\ControlSet001\Services\PVXIOSVR
    3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\ControlSet002\Services\PVXIOSVR
    4. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\PVXIOSVR
    5. Update ImagePath to the correct Sage Path
      EX: C:\Sage\Sage 100 Advanced ERP\MAS90\Home\pvxiosvr.exe" -SERVICE
  • If the user is prompted to log in when attempting to run a standard Sage 100 report, there may be a problem:
    • Temporarily disable the firewall to see if there is a blockage issue. If so, consider an exception for pvxiosvr.exe
    • Uninstall the Sage 100 workstation setup client install for the user's workstation, choosing to remove registry entries when prompted. Then, reinstall Workstation Setup.

Workstation Configuration
Set up the workstations (users) to take advantage of the C/S ODBC driver.

  1. Log into Sage 100 ERP Advanced
  2. Open Library Master, Setup menu, System Configuration
  3. On the ODBC Driver tab, select Enable C/S ODBC Driver
  4. For "ODBC Server Name", enter the server name or IP address where the client/server ODBC application or service is running
  5. For "ODBC Server Port", enter the default port 20222
  6. For the "Enable for All Users" checkbox:
    • Select if all Sage 100 ERP users will be using the C/S ODBC driver
    • Clear if specific users will be enabled. To enable for an individual user (after setting up in System Configuration):
      1. Open Library Master, Main menu, User Maintenance
      2. On the Preferences tab, select the "Enable C/S ODBC Driver" checkbox
      3. Click Accept to complete setup in User Maintenance
      4. Close and restart the workstation client
  7. Click Accept to complete setup System Configuration

Access and Test the ODBC Data Source

  • If running a 32-bit system, perform the following steps:
    1. Access the server where Sage 100 ERP Advanced is installed
    2. From the Windows Desktop, open Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Data Sources (ODBC)
    3. In ODBC Data Source Administrator, User DSN tab, select SOTAMAS90 and click Configure
    4. In ProvideX ODBC Driver Setup, Debug tab, click Test Connection
    5. In Sage 100 ERP Database Signon, enter Sage 100 ERP login credentials click OK
    6. If successful, you will the message "Connection succeeded"
    7. Click OK to exit the Setup and the Administrator windows
  • If running a 64-bit system, perform the following steps:
    1. Access the server where Sage 100 ERP Advanced is installed
    2. Open Windows Explorer and locate the ODBCAD32.exe file in "C:\Windows\SysWOW64"
    3. Right-click ODBCAD32.exe
    4. In ODBC Data Source Administrator, User DSN tab, select SOTAMAS90 and click Configure
    5. In ProvideX ODBC Driver Setup, Debug tab, click Test Connection
    6. In Sage 100 ERP Database Signon, enter Sage 100 ERP login credentials click OK
    7. If successful, you will the message "Connection succeeded"
    8. Click OK to exit the Setup and the Administrator windows


Additional information

Note regarding Windows Firewall settings for Client/Server ODBC Driver in Sage 100 Advanced:

  1. In the left pane of the console, select Inbound Rules
  2. Right-click select New Rule
  3. Select Program click Next
  4. Select "This program path:" and browse to \..\mas90\Home\pvxiosvr.exe (i.e. C:\Sage\MAS90\Home\Pvxiosvr.exe) on server
  5. Select Next until get to 'Specify the name and Description of this Rule" screen
  6. Enter name for Inbound Rule
  7. Select Finish

DocLink: How to install and configure the Client Server ODBC driver (CS ODBC) for Sage MAS 200 versions 4.10.1 through 4.50
DocLink: Slow Performance when printing Crystal forms or reports since upgrade from a version prior to Sage 100 2013
DocLink: How to delete or disable a Service that is no longer in use

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