I closed the payroll year too early in Payroll

This article is specific to Closing the Payroll year too early, and you have Multiple Payroll checks which need to be posted to the previous year. 


The Payroll year was closed too early. 

[BCB:1:Backup warning:ECB]

Consider the following options:

If you've closed the Payroll year too early and you still have checks which need to be posted to the prior year, you will need to restore from a backup.  

  • If you created a backup of the Payroll Master file prior to closing the year, you can restore this file from backup as long as you have NOT posted any Payroll checks since creating the backup. 
  • If you have already downloaded the PR tax file for the new year, you will need to restore the tax.prx from the previous year. 

If you have processed and posted payroll checks after you have closed the Payroll year AND you have a backup of the Payroll master created immediately prior to closing the year, the following solution may be an option:

  • Void the payroll checks, you can retain as new and use the original Accounting and Check dates. Refer to How do I void a Payroll check or direct deposit? for full steps on voiding.
  • Restore the Master.prm. Reconcile your payroll totals before doing anything else. Refer to How do I restore a backup that I created using File Tools? (Pervasive) for full steps on restoring if you backed up using File Tools.
  • Restore the prior year tax.prx.
  • Process the checks you previously voided. You may need to make adjustments to these checks for taxes, deductions or pays which are now missing or different on these checks.  Employee taxes which previously processed can be different due to limits.  Deductions can now be different due to limits.  If the employee has received the funds for these checks, use a back pay deduction so that the new net pay on these checks are the same as the net pay on the issued checks.   Do not force in Tax or Deduction amounts which should not have processed on these corrected checks but did process on the original checks issued. 
  • After posting these checks, you will need to print a Deposit Summary Report or 941 Preparation Report (Reports , Tax Preparation) and verify the totals. If different than your filed 941 report, you may need to amend your 941 form. Please contact your Tax Accountant for assistance.

If it is not possible to restore to a backup and these checks need to be posted to the previous year you can post those checks to the prior year, however you'll need to determine which taxes should calculate on those checks.  Once the year is closed taxes which had met the limit in the prior year will now process on those checks.

  • Run Subject to reports for the prior year to determine the employees whose taxes had met the limit in the prior year.  (Reports/Tax Preparation/Prior Period Subject to Employee, or Prior Period Subject to Employer).
    • FUTA_E
    • SOC
    • SOC_E
    • XXSUI_E (your specific State Employer paid Unemployment tax).
    • XXSDI_E (your specifc State Employer paid Disability tax).
    • XXSUI (your specific State Employee Unemployment tax).
    • XXSDI (your specific State Employee Disability tax).
    • XXPFL_E (your specific State Employer paid Family Leave tax).
    • XXPFL (your specific State Employee paid Family Leave tax).

 When processing these checks, taxes which had met the limit in the prior year will now process on these checks.   You'll need to do the following:

  • After processing the checks, you'll use Enter Checks to remove/adjust the taxes which had met the limit in the prior year.   
    • If you have someone who was near the limit but had not met the limit and this check will put them over the limit, you'll need to manually calculate the proper amount of tax manually. 
    • If you have someone who had met the limit or will meet the limit for MEDADDL, you'll need to add the proper amount for this tax.
    • After making corrections to each check, you'll print/generate direct deposit, and post using the correct check dates.
  • After posting these checks, you will need to run Recalculate Subject to for the Prior year.  
    • If you have downloaded the new years tax file, restore the previous years tax.prx.
    • Verify that the correct limits now exist on your taxes.  Review your Federal and State taxes.
    • Make a backup of the Master.prm and Current.prt with File tools.  (Tools/File tools/Backup).
    • Run Recalculate Subject to on the Prior year.   You will select the current.prt transaction file.  You will select Prior Year and will select both the Clear taxable and subject to prior totals, and that you have verified that the tax file contains the correct limits for the prior year. 



How do I issue checks for a prior year after I have updated taxes?
How do I issue Payroll checks for a prior year if I have not updated taxes?

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