Delete the blank distribution
Note: Distributions with a 0.00 amount may be ok as long as they have a GL account assigned.
WARNING: Do not delete 0.00 amount distributions if they were a credit amount and changed to 0.00 after it was already paid as it will create a file fix situation. Instead, change that distribution back to the credit amount that was paid then add a new distribution for the opposite amount if that amount needs to be reversed.
- In Accounts Payable from the Tasks menu, select Change Invoices.
- Select the Vendor.
- Select the Invoice.
- Enter through the invoice information to get to the distribution grid.
- Go to the distribution line that follows the last completed distribution line. This line can look as if there is nothing on it.
- If the Delete button is available, this means there is a distribution record on this row. Click the Delete button. If the Delete button is not available, this is not the issue. Refer to article ID 77672 DocLink: Fully paid invoice or Open invoice with distribution showing in Select Invoices to Pay for $0.00 (Include for Pmt still marked on paid invoice or distribution) for another possible solution.
- Click Yes to the message confirming you want to delete this distribution.
- Click Accept Invoice.
- Finish.
- Confirm the invoice is no longer showing selected for payment.