[BCB:5:Third-party support:ECB] Contact your interfacing software program provider to request that their development team add the following to their connection string that they use when connecting with Sage 300 CRE: SilentLogin=1 This will stop the continual logging to the Log Viewer from that program. Ideally, we would like them to conditionally add it to their connection string in their software, such as with some sort of registry setting and a program setting, where an end user could turn it on (to stop logging) or off when the logging is needed for troubleshooting. Notes: - These settings are to be added by the developer of the interfacing program. This is not handled by Sage 300 CRE Customer Support.
- Your interfacing software program may have already adopted this connection string and you just need an upgrade or update of that software. Contact customer support for your interfacing software program to inquire.
- HH2: If you are using HH2, this has been added in their build 1.30.444.7431 of the sync client, so you will need to be on that version or newer.
- Sage Paperless Construction added this in 2020.0.0.6, you will need to be on this deployment or newer.
- Sage MyAssistant added this in version 20.1. You will need to upgrade if on a prior version.
IMPORTANT: To slow the growth of the file, it is recommended to turn off (unmark) logging for the Security log type in the Log Settings. This will stop the recording of the log in/out entries. Log Settings can be accessed one of two ways: - Sage Desktop, Common Tasks, Log Viewer, then click Settings from the toolbar
- Sage Desktop, Options, Security Administration, Log Settings
[BCB:156:Chat 300 CRE US:ECB]