You can e-mail Direct deposit advices using Sage BusinessWorks.
- Enter your employee's email in PR, Employees, Maintain Employees.
- Set up your employee for direct deposit. Be sure to enter the employees bank information (routing number, account number, Distribution Type and Distribution amount).
- On the Direct Deposit screen, check the box to set direct deposit and E-mail advices to active.
- Exit Maintain Employees and continue with the check processing. When you print your payroll checks, select the Direct Deposit radio button and then click E-mail.
- Employees that don’t have direct deposit and E-mail advices selected, you click E-mail. You must process these checks using the Print button.
- The E-mail button is only available when Direct Deposit Only is selected
- When you press the Print button, employees that receive E-mail advices are skipped
- It doesn’t matter which order you process the payroll checks
- Check, Direct Deposit, E-mail
- E-mail, Check, Direct Deposit
- Direct Deposit, E-mail, Check
- The Print check window won’t close until all checks and email advices are printed