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Unable to Install Aatrix Federal and State Tax Reporting Updates

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You cannot install Federal and State Tax Reporting Updates, including eFiling. Messages range from eFile not loading/Aatrix not loading to longer messages such as, "Update Problem. There was a problem during the update process. Error writing file C:\program files(x86)\common files\Sage\Aatrix\xxxx.dll


  • The Firewall must also allow password protected encrypted zip files.
  • Prerequisite files may be missing i.e. C++ Redistributable files


CAUTION: This solution requires advanced knowledge of Windows security and network settings. Sage isn't responsible for any issues that may arise from changes to these settings. Back up all system and application databases needed for a complete restoration. Consider contacting a certified consultant or your system administrator for assistance.

CAUTION: Sage support can't assist with third-party products, hardware, report customizations, or state and federal tax questions. Refer to our Scope of Support for more info. Contact your Sage business partner, network administrator, or accountant for assistance.



 NOTE: You may receive an error attempting to install Automatic Updates "vendor code is missing" if the Windows user logged in does not have local Administrator rights. Right-click on the Sage 100 shortcut and select "Run as Adminstrator" (you will need to input the Windows login credentials for the person with local Administrator rights) then select your Tax Form as before to launch Automatic Update (with Sage 100 running as Administrator) which should complete Automatic Update.

Verify Prerequisites are installed:

  1. Browse to folder where Sage 100 Installation was downloaded
  2. Open Prerequisites folder
  3. Open Aatrix folder
  4. Right-click setup.exe and Run as administrator

You may want to try uninstalling and reinstalling Federal and State Tax Reporting:
Please refer to article: How to install, activate, update, and uninstall Federal and State Tax Reporting


Before Installing your Program

It is critical that you do the following before installing your program:

  1. Turn ON your firewall software
  2. Turn ON firewall alerts
  3. If prompted by your firewall, read dialog carefully and “Allow” or “Unblock” safe files
  4. Some firewalls may prompt you to allow additional files. You must allow these additional files as well.

Proper permissions must be set for the Users to be able to update the program periodically as needed

  1. Users must be local administrators to their PC
    • When the user accesses Federal and State Efiling successfully and selects their form then clicks on Accept the program will communicate with the Aatrix website.
    • At that time Aatrix will determine where the users is at with their Forms and determine if an Update is needed. Aatrix will prompt to do an Automatic Update.
    • If the user selects Automatic Update but does not retain the right to install programs it will fail and can corrupt the Aatrix program.


Already Installed Programs

If you have already installed the particular program and are unable to run it, you need to set your firewall to allow the following files to run using HTTP on port 80 to
The Firewall must also allow password protected encrypted zip files


Please setup the following Internet & Firewall permissions:

  • In Internet Options on the Security tab
    • Add the web address for as a trusted websites
  • On the Privacy tab, click on Sites button and allow the following websites:
    • aatrixforms.exe
    • updater.exe
    • updater2.exe
  • On the Advanced tab, under Security section, please select the following:
    • TLS 1.0
    • TLS 1.1
    • TLS 1.2

If error still persists:

  • Verify firewall settings:
    • Aatrix Forms Updater uses standard HTTP port 80 to access the site and must also allow password protected encrypted ZIP files.
    • Aatrix Forms uses the following programs to access the Internet.
  • For eFiling & web service connections, allow the following files to run using secure HTTP on Port 443 and 80 to,, and

    Sometimes firewalls have a tighter restriction and only allow access on these ports to specific domains. By allowing access to you will allow updates, eFiling, and the web service to connect. Occasionally the restrictions are even tighter and only allow access to these ports by specific programs.


If issue still exists, complete the following systems to refresh all files for Sage Workstation and Federal and State Tax Reporting Software:

  1. UAC Must be turned off for Aatrix to work properly
  2. Uninstall Sage 100 Workstation
  3. If Advanced or Premium, note Server Name and Port number
  4. Uninstall Federal and State Tax Reporting (aka Federal and State Efiling)
  5. Remove C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Sage\Common Components directory
  6. Remove C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Sage\Aatrix directory
  7. From Windows Explorer
    • View, Options
    • View tab
    • Unhide hidden folders
    • Accept
  8. Remove C:\Users\(UserName)\AppData\Local\Aatrix Software
  9. Remove C:\Users\(UserName)\AppData\Roaming\Aatrix Software
  10. Browse to C:\Windows\SYSWOW64
    • Remove pvxio.dll
    • Remove pvxodbc.dll
    • Remove pvxsec32.dll
  11. Install Workstation via ..\..\MAS90\Wksetup\Sage Workstation ... msi file
  12. Install Federal and State Tax Reporting via ..\..\MAS90\Wksetup\Autorun.exe (right click and "Run As Administrator")
  13. Click link,
    • Select Updates
    • Select Sage 100 under Product updates
    • This will download a current MAS90.exe update file. 
    • In your downloads, right-click on MAS90.exe and run as Administrator.
    • Select Yes, at the prompt "This setup will perform an upgrade of 'Federal and State Tax Reporting', Do you want to continue?"
    • Click Next
    • Click, Finish
    • This will get all Forms and Program current
  14. Test when completed

Note: If using Windows 7 or higher, please disable User Account Control (UAC). See Related Article below.


If none of the steps above resolve the issue, please go to Aatrix technical information pages for more details:

Proxy Server Information - please go to for details.


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How to disable User Account Control (UAC)
How to install, activate, update, and uninstall Federal and State Tax Reporting
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