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How do I archive my Property Management data? (move to history)

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Archiving Property Management data by moving transactions to history.




You can move or archive your historical or canceled leases from your main lease file to an archive file. Archiving your leases increases the processing performance in Property Management. For example, when accessing leases in Change Lease you no longer have to filter through obsolete lease. See How do I archive my Property Management leases? for more information.

The following tools in Property Management can help you manage file sizes and content.

  • Clear Paid Items moves open item records that are completely paid and their associated entries from the Current.pmt file to the History.pmt file.
  • Move Entries moves records from the History.pmt file to a consolidated or separate history transaction file that you specify.

Refer to the Related Solutions below for specific information about Clear Paid Items and Move Entries.

Related Solutions

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