
Federal and State Tax Reporting must be installed on the workstation prior to processing. (See related resources "How to install, activate, update, and uninstall Federal and State Tax Reporting"
Print and/or efile 1099/1096 forms
- Open Accounts Payable, Reports, Form 1099 Tax Reporting
- In the Form 1099 Tax Reporting window, select Form to Use (New for current reporting period or History for prior years already printed.)
- Select one Form Type per run from one of the following form types to use.
- Dividend
- Interest
- Miscellaneous
- Non-Employee Compensation
- Select the Vendor Type(s)
- Select the 1099 Calendar Year. This defaults from Accounts Payable Options.
- Enter the Minimum YTD Payment for vendors with year-to-date payments equal to or greater than the amount entered. See IRS guidelines for more information.
- Verify Company information is correct in the Company Name, Address, City, State, ZIP Code, Federal ID No., Telephone, and Fax fields. This defaults from Library Master, Main, Company Maintenance.
- Click Accept
Note: If you are prompted to install a mandatory or an optional update, click Yes and then follow the on-screen instructions. You must install mandatory updates to continue processing, and you must install Automatic updates to maintain current forms and programs. If the form for the current reporting year is not available, you will recieve a warning. Do NOT Continue processing using a prior year form for final efiling or printing of forms. The forms will be updated mid-December by Aatrix. - The 1099 Wizard appears. Click Next through all of the wizard screens selecting or completing appropriate fields.
- In the W2/1099 Preparer window, follow the steps by clicking on the green arrow at top of window to complete the form. For more information, see the W2/1099 Preparer Help system.
- Once you have completed reviewing all the information in the 1099 recipient grid and have passed all the error checking you are ready to begin preparing for the processing of your 1099s.
- The printing and processing screen is where you decide how you want to process your 1099 forms (i.e. print, eFile or a combination of both). There are two main options in the pricing and processing screen:
- Complete 1099 eFiling Service
- Print and Mail Recipient Copies
- File Federal 1099s and 1096
- File all applicable State 1099s and Reconciliation Forms
- Online 1099s Available for all Recipients (After completion of electronic submission)
- Other Options
- Print my Recipient 1099 Copies
- Print Federal 1099s and 1096
- Print State 1099s and Reconciliation Forms
- Efile check boxes will produce the below results:
- If eFile check boxes left checked: Record copies of 1096 and 1099 Copy A will print and will be eFiled. All remaining 1099s will print to blank 4 part perforated forms.
- If eFile check boxes are unchecked: 1096 and 1099 Copy A will print 'Official Copy'; 1099-MISC, INT, DIV Copy A requires 2 part pre-printed ink form, 1099-NEC Copy A requires 3 part pre-printed form, and 1096 requires pre-printed ink form. All remaining 1099 forms will print to Blank 4 part perforated forms. However: Effective tax year 2023, Aatrix has been approved to print any forms previously requiring Red paper to be printed on regular paper. Red paper is NOT required when printing from Aatrix on W2s, 1099s, ACA forms.
- Complete 1099 eFiling Service
- The FormsViewer will display the forms based on the options you selected in the print options dialog. The Federal 1099 forms will display as the first step in the FormsViewer for you to print; once you click next step the Federal Form 1096 will display.
"A 1099 History file was found" message dialog box appears
If the form type selected is already processed for the calendar year selected and you receive the message "A 1099 History file was found", perform one of the following:
- To edit the forms already processed, select Open the History File and click OK. Proceed to step 9 above.
- To override and reprocess the forms, select Disregard the History File and click OK. Proceed to the next step.
"Work in-progress Draft file has been detected" message dialog box appears.
If the form type selected was saved with incomplete information and you receive the message "Work in-progress Draft file has been detected", perform one of the following:
- To complete the form saved, select Continue working with the Draft file and click Next. Proceed to step 10 above.
- To enter a new form, select Start working on a new file and click Next. Proceed through the following steps.
Note: Printing/Ordering reminder: The Federal 1099 COPY A and the Federal 1096 forms must be printed on pre-printed forms with (these forms can be ordered from Sage Forms division). Effective tax year 2023, Aatrix has been approved to print any forms previously requiring Red paper to be printed on regular paper. Red paper is NOT required when printing from Aatrix on W2s, 1099s, ACA forms.
Additional Information: If selecting to truncate the Recipeint TIN this will only happen on the printed copy. Any PDF print or preview of the document will not be truncated.
Related Solutions
For more information, see
What forms do I use to print W2s, 1095s and 1099s
1099 NEC form (Copy A) for year 2021 has been redesigned by the IRS to 3/page instead of 2/page as in year 2020.
How to install, activate, update, and uninstall Federal and State Tax Reporting
How to add, delete, change and reprint 1099 forms
How to reconcile 1099 vendor amounts
How to sort W2, 1095 and 1099 forms
How does the Vendor Name and DBA name print on 1099 Form
How to reprint one or more 1099's