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What virtual platforms or virtualized operating systems and environments are supported for Sage 100?

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What virtual platforms or virtualized operating systems and environments are supported for Sage 100?


Sage is not responsible for the content of third-party web sites. The following list is not exhaustive:



CAUTION: This solution requires advanced knowledge of Windows security and network settings. Sage isn't responsible for any issues that may arise from changes to these settings. Back up all system and application databases needed for a complete restoration. Consider contacting a certified consultant or your system administrator for assistance.
CAUTION: This solution needs advanced Operating System knowledge. Consult your system administrator for help. Sage isn't liable for issues caused by improper changes to the Windows Registry. Always back up your data before applying advanced solutions.
CAUTION: Sage Customer Support cannot assist with issues related to third-party products or enhancements, hardware, report customizations, state or federal tax-related questions, or specific accounting questions. Refer to our Scope of Support document for details. For assistance, contact your Sage business partner, network administrator, or accountant. 
  • Sage 100 is currently supported on virtual environments where the virtual vendor supports the Windows operating system that Sage 100 supports.
    • Note: Sage 100 Customer Support is not expected to be familiar with all the different and changing hardware virtualization or desktop virtualization or application virtualization software technology available on the market. It may be possible to encounter unknown errors or (consistent or intermittent) issues with installation, security, permissions, visualization, processing, slow performance (including if not enough resources like processors, RAM, NICs, etc. are allocated, or if a physical machine is running multiple virtual servers, etc.) or printing (printing to redirected or session-specific printers can be problematic or non-working or error-prone). Sage 100 Customer Support is not expected to be familiar with all of the settings, variables, security/permissions, etc. that may be unique to a virtual environment. Troubleshooting assistance is limited - you may be referred to your IT professional for further troubleshooting assistance. For more details, see the Additional Information section
      • Example: Some customers have reported errors attempting to install on Microsoft Azure (a cloud computing service) due to a lack of permissions for the Azure AD administrator. Sage 100 Customer Support is not expected to have familiarity with or assist in such a situation.
      • Example: Some customers have reported errors with printing when using Remote Desktop Services (RDS, formerly Terminal Services) or Citrix server. Sage 100 Customer Support is not expected to have familiarity with or assist in such a situation.
      • Example: A customer found that a printer added to a workstation did not show up in Sage 100 because the workstation accessed Sage 100 via Remote App to a RDS/TS server. The printer had to be installed on that server for the user's Windows profile, before it could be seen in Sage 100.
      • Note: Per KB 105013, "Sage 100 is NOT supported in Microsoft's Remote Desktop Web Client nor in Microsoft's Azure Windows Virtual Desktop Pool environment." For more information, see the Related Resources section.
  • All supported Operating Systems listed under the Supported Workstations, ERP Supported Servers and SageCRM Supported Servers sections of the Supported Platform Matrix documents are supported when hosted on specific virtual platform products described in those matrices.
  • Hardware and software requirements (minimum and recommended) for Sage 100 ERP products apply to virtual environments as well.
    • Note: Minimums and recommended values may need to be increased to account for what is taken up to manage the virtual environment.
  • If a specific product and/or version is listed as supported in a Supported Platform Matrix document for a version of Sage 100, then it has been tested. However, if it is not listed, it is likely that no testing has been done on that version and it is not supported.
    • Note: It is likely that issues reported to be occuring in a virtual environment would need to be duplicated in a supported environment to be considered
  • Some third-party products might not support the same virtualization platforms as Sage 100 products. For verification, please check with the third-party vendor.

Note: For more specific information, refer to the actual Supported Platform Matrix documents. See the Related Resources section.

DocLink: Is Sage 100 supported in Microsoft RD Web Client or Azure Windows Virtual Desktop Pool?
DocLink: How to install Sage 100 and locate installation and upgrade information
DocLink: Supported Platform Matrices (SPM) for Sage 100; System requirements and specifications
DocLink: Integrated Solutions Compatibility Matrices (ISCM) for Sage 100
DocLink: Slow performance in Sage 100 Standard in VMware vSphere environment
DocLink: How to troubleshoot printing problems in Sage 100