Please see Related Resources for Program Fixes related to this issue when caused by the Microsoft Security Update. Once these patches are applied you should not need to remove and reinstall the Microsoft update if this is the cause of your errors.
External link to Microsoft Windows Update KBs (Caution: Sage is not responsible for the content of third-party web pages):
- The cause of the error seems to be performance related
- Webroot Antivirus or another invasive antivirus or anti-malware may interrupt the creation of Payroll data files or other legacy files
- Backup and recovery programs running in background
- Low RAM on workstation
- This issue may occur on Sage 100 Standard platform if Sage Knowledgebase KB article 45806 (see Related Resources) has not been implemented
- Sage Customer Support has observed that Security Update for Microsoft Windows (KB4051034) or (KB4054518) has recently been installed on workstations having this issue.
CAUTION: Sage Customer Support does not assist with issues related to third-party products or enhancements, hardware, report customizations, state or federal tax-related questions, or specific accounting questions. Please get in touch with your Sage business partner, network administrator, or accountant for assistance. Please refer to our Scope of Support document for details.
DocLink: How to exclude Sage 100 from anti-virus (antivirus) Real-time scans
DocLink: Error: "Unable to create two instances," when trying to run eFiling and Reporting
To address possible cause(s):
- Webroot Antivirus - A common cause appears to be Webroot Antivirus. Some customers report that even excluding Sage 100 program and "MAS90" and "PRXXX" (where XXX is the company code) directories does not resolve the issue - only complete removal of Webroot Antivirus and going to another product resolves the issue for them.
- Other Antivirus or Anti-malware product (such as MalwareBytes) - Some antivirus products are very aggressive in their monitoring. Make sure to set proper antivirus exclusions and disable On-Access Scanning (also known as real-time scan, active scanning, etc.) on both Sage 100 server and workstations, as stated in Sage Knowledgebase KB article 45806
- Note: For more information, see the Related Resources section on setting antivirus exclusions.
- Microsoft Windows Update (KB4051034) or (KB4054518) - To check for this specific update:
- Open Windows Control Panel
- Select "Programs and Features" or "Uninstall a Program"
- Select "View installed updates"
- Examine if one or more of the following Windows Updates are installed at server or workstations:
- Update for Microsoft Windows (KB4051034)
- Security Update for Microsoft Windows (KB4054518)
- If one or more of these updates are installed, you may:
- Install a relevant Program Fix - See the related Related Resources section for your version of Sage 100
- Note: After installing a program fix (or setting antivirus exclusions), it may still be possible to encounter this issue:
- Example: A Microsoft Windows Update (or antivirus product) prevented a data file from being created by Sage 100. A program fix has since been installed (or antivirus exclusions have been set). Yet the file was not re-created manually because it was not known to be missing. When Sage 100 cannot find the file, it generates an error.
- Example: Technician or user inadvertently moves a data file to another location, or unintentionally deleted a file. Or file somehow becomes blacklisted by an antivirus product or update. When Sage 100 cannot find the file, it generates an error.
- Alternate: Consider removing the specific Microsoft Windows Update(s)
To re-create missing file(s):
- Via File or Windows Explorer, browse to the "..\MAS90\MAS_XXX\YYXXX" folder where Sage 100 is installed (and where YY is the module, XXX is the company code)
- Look for the specific file (such as PR9xxx.soa, PRBxxx.soa , PRIxxx.soa, PRJxxx.soa, etc.) file (per the error message)
- Skip to Step 6 if missing. Otherwise, if damaged: Right-click the file
- Select Rename from the pop-up context menu that appears
- Rename the file to something else (like oldPR9xxx.soa or oldPRBxxx.soa, etc.)
- Use the Manual feature in the Reinitialize Data Files utility to reinitialize (such as PR9xxx.soa, PRBxxx.soa , PRIxxx.soa, PRJxxx.soa, etc.) file (per the error message)
- For information on how to manually reinitialize a data file, see the Related Resources section below.
DocLink: How to exclude Sage 100 from anti-virus (antivirus) Real-time scans
DocLink: Error: "Unable to create two instances," when trying to run eFiling and Reporting
Defect ID