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Running a report on multiple companies

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Steps to produce a report that pulls information from more than one company in Crystal Reports for Sage


In Sage Fixed Assets, it is not possible to run a Standard Report on multiple companies. The Standard Reports can only pull data from the company that is open.

To create a consolidated reports of all company in any given databases, you must have a Reporting license purchased from Sage and installed the SAP Crystal Reports for Sage.


CAUTION: Sage support can't assist with third-party products, hardware, report customizations, or state and federal tax questions. Refer to our Scope of Support for more info. Contact your Sage business partner, network administrator, or accountant for assistance.

To include all the companies in any one Sage Fixed Assets database on a Crystal Report and to exclude negative (deleted) companies:

In Sage Fixed Assets:

  1. Go to: ReportsReporting, select Create New Report, enter the Report Title, enter a File Name for the report, click Create Report.

    Note: SAP Crystal Reports for Sage will open to the Preview tab that will only include the System Number and Extension of all assets in the open company.

  2. In the Crystal Reports: Go to, ReportsSelect ExpertRecord which will open the Select Expert dialog
  3. On the SFA_Company_Information.Company Name tab: Select is equal to or greater than from the drop-down list, Enter 0 (Zero), click OK and click Refresh Data when prompted.

    Note: This will produce a report which will show all assets in all the companies in the database with no other formatting.

    Alternatively: To avoid issues with special character in the Company Names field in the database, in the Select Expert: Delete the SFA_Company_Information.Company Name tab: click New, in the Choose Field window under WINFASRW: select Company Information, highlight Company Number, click OK, on the SFA_Company_Information.Company Number: select is greater than from the drop-down list, Enter 0 (Zero), click OK and click Refresh Data when prompted.

To get only a list of only the Company Names:

  1. On the Design TabRight Click Details line, select Hide or Suppress.
  2. Go to: InsertGroup, select SFA_Company_Information.Company Name, and click OK.
  3. On the Preview tab: There will be a list of all the companies in the database.

At this point you will have a starting point to create a consolidated report of all the companies in any one database.

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