| How do I edit, void, delete or adjust miscellaneous JC cash receipts in Accounts Receivable? |
Description |
A miscellaneous cash receipt does not include a customer ID, so you cannot adjust it in Accounts Receivable.
An enhancement request was submitted to allow edits of miscellaneous cash receipts in Accounts Receivable.
Resolution |
Confirm the Job Cost and General Ledger information:
- In Accounts Receivable, select Inquiry, Entries, Entries by Batch, Current.
- Select the batch that contains the Miscellaneous JC cash receipt.
- Add the following columns to the inquiry. Select the link below for details on how to add a column to an inquiry.
- Credit Account
- Bank Account
- Job
- Extra
- Cost Code
- Category
Enter a reversing entry through Job Cost:
- From the Job Cost Tasks menu, select Enter Direct Costs.
- Enter the Job, Extra, Cost code, and Category noted above.
- Enter the Amount as a positive amount, since the original Miscellaneous JC cash receipt is a negative cost transaction.
- Enter the applicable Transaction date, Accounting date, Description and Reference information
- For the Debit Account and Credit Account, enter the Credit Account number noted above.
- Click Finish to complete the transaction.
Create an adjusting entry for the cash receipt in Cash Management:
- From the Cash Management Tasks menu, select Edit Register.
- Enter the applicable Date, select Adj or Wdl from the Type dropdown, and enter a Description.
- Note: If the original cash receipt posted to multiple General Ledger accounts, select WDL and use the Split function. For more information, see article 49639 How do I split a Cash Management Withdrawal to multiple debit accounts?
- Enter the positive amount in the Subtraction column.
- For the Debit account, enter the Credit account number noted from Accounts Receivable above.
- Press OK
- Press Finish
DocLink: How do I correct direct cost entries made in the Job Cost task Enter Direct Costs? DocLink: How do I add or edit a column in an inquiry? DocLink: How do I enter a deposit, withdrawal, adjustment, service charge, or other transaction types to a bank account in Cash Management? DocLink: How do I correct direct costs made in the Job Cost task Enter Direct Costs to an incorrect future date? DocLink: How do I edit, void, delete or adjust miscellaneous GL cash receipts in Accounts Receivable?