Note: If your deposit date and bank account don’t need editing and you want to change the credit account, use Record Entries in General Ledger. Debit the incorrect credit account used and credit the correct GL account. - If you don't know the deposit date or batch number, locate the information in Cash Management:
- Go to Cash Management, Inquiries, Entries, Deposits by Bank.
- Select the Register file and click OK.
- Select the applicable Bank Account.
- Add the columns for Batch and Deposit Date. Note the information for the miscellaneous cash receipt. See steps to add columns to an inquiry.
- Click Close.
- Confirm the General Ledger accounts and cash receipt type used:
- Go to Accounts Receivable, Inquiries, Entries, Transactions.
- Select the Current file and click OK.
- Select the Active file and click OK.
- Click Conditions, select Batch, Equal to, and type the batch number in the Value box.
- Click OK twice.
- Add the Debit Account - Cash or Accrual and Credit Account - Cash or Accrual columns. See steps to add columns to an inquiry.
- Add the column for Cash Receipt Type.
- Note the accounts and receipt type. If the receipt type is Miscellaneous JC, see alternate steps for this issue.
- In Cash Management, Tasks, Edit Register create a subtracting adjusting entry:
- Use the same General Ledger accounts as the original cash receipt.
- For the GL debit, use the credit account entered on the AR Misc Cash Receipt. If multiple credit accounts have distributions from the cash receipt, enter the subtraction as a split withdrawal.
- The GL credit prefills with the cash account. Don't change this account. Confirm it matches the debit from the original AR entry.
- Go to AR and enter the cash receipt for the customer, if needed. Create the deposit with a unique deposit ID.
Notes: If you receive the error "Could not determine if [date] is in a closed GL period for prefix [prefix]." See steps to resolve the error. Depending on the accounting date of the adjustment, you may need to remove rejecting entries in General Ledger. [BCB:156:Chat 300 CRE US:ECB]