Error: "Windx client connection: Connection Timed Out waiting for your application to start" or "The server side process failed to start or respond"



[BCB:1:Backup warning:ECB]
[BCB:3:Network warning:ECB]
[BCB:4:Operating system warning:ECB]
[BCB:5:Third-party support:ECB]

Note: This is most likely an issue related to network bandwidth or systems resources. Sage 100 Customer Support can provide some suggestions on troubleshooting, but support analysts are not network or systems administrators familiar with a customer's environment and cannot guarantee a solution. The following have been reported by some customers as being possible resolutions:

Possible Resolution 1: Reboot the server and try and login again.

  • This may only be a temporary fix if the server is low on resources. Check the Microsoft Knowledgebase for recommended (not minimum) levels of resources for the specific Windows Server operating system version (CPU, RAM, free hard disk space for the pagefile/swapfile, etc.)

Possible Resolution 2: Run Application Server as an Application rather than a Service. Windows allocates more resources to desktop applications than services:

  1. Have all users exit Sage 100 ERP Advance or Premium
  2. Stop the Sage 100 ERP Advance or Premium Application Server service.
    • On the server, From the open Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services.
    • Locate the Sage 100 Advanced XXXX (zzzzz) Application Server service (or Premium).
    • Right-click the service and select Stop.
  3. Start Sage 100 ERP Advanced or Premium Application Server as a desktop application.
    • On the server, open Start, All Programs, Sage, Application Server Configuration.
    • Verify that Running displays in the Status field.
    • If the Application Server is not Running, click the Start button.

Note: For more information on Application Server Configuration, see the Sage 100 Advanced (or Premium) Installation and Administration Guide .

Possible Resolution 3: If you would like to continue running Sage 100 as a Service increase Windows Desktop Heap for services (or switch to running as a Service), see the DocLink below about being unable to create a new sesson with a large number of users.

Possible Resolution 4: If running Dell Servers using Windows 2003 Service Pack 1, on the raid controller, disable the 'Raid Patrol' option to eliminate any firmware latency issues.

Possible Resolution 5: Check Preferences under User Maintenance (Library Master, Main, User Maintenance) and if user is set to Spawn tasks from Application Server, unselect this option, log out and log back in to Sage 100 with the user and try task again.


Additional information:

See the DocLinks for more information on the "Spawn Tasks from Application Server" option in User Preferences.

DocLink: "Error #26: Variable type invalid" when stopping Application Serveror Service
DocLink: Cannot create a new session with a large number of users
DocLink: How to Determine if Sage 100 Advanced and Premium Application service has reached the Maximum Desktop Heap size allowed by Windows OS
DocLink: Spawn Tasks Information
DocLink: How to close Sage 100 processes and restart Sage 100 Application Server from batch file

[BCB:155:Chat 100 US:ECB]

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