How do I create a new data folder?
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You can create a new company in either TS-Main or Sage Desktop, but you must sign into the software as a user with administrative rights.

  1. From TS-Main: select File, New Company
    From Sage Desktop:
    • Versions 15.1 and older: select File, Company, New Company
    • Versions 16.1 and later: select Options, New Company
  2. In the New Company window, type a company name and address.
  3. Accept the default data folder path or type a new path. This is where the new data will be stored.
  4. To use the general setup of the current data folder, select the Use current setup check box. To set up the controls for the new data folder yourself, do not check this box.
    Note: The Use current setup command copies the accounting method and batch controls in the Data Folder Settings window, all settings in the Batch Control Totals window, all settings in the File Locations and Custom Descriptions windows, and all settings in Post and Interface Settings windows.
  5. Click [OK]. The new data folder is now the current data folder.

NOTE: You will still need to go to each data folder and set up the settings in each application. For example, GL Settings, JC Settings, AP Settings etc. You will need to set up your GL accounts, JC standard cost codes and categories, BL standard items, Taxes (if using Taxes in AR or AP). Please work with your consultant for instructions on what needs to be set up in each application. You will find additional information in the links below.

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