A Utility was added to Sage 100 Standard & Advanced 2015.1 and higher to correct the affected records. After the Utility is run, Quick Print should function properly. Use the following procedure to run the Utility:
- Click File, Run in Sage 100
- Enter SYZCON and click OK
- Enter the following command at the prompt:
- RUN "..\Utility\SY_SaveSettingsQP_utl" and press the Enter key
-A Message window will display asking if the utility should be run for all companies, or be canceled.
-If any invalid entries are found, they will be corrected and a log file will be created in the ..\mas90\HOME\TextOut directory.
-If there are no invalid entries, a message will display stating that fact.
For Sage 100 version 2015 Premium (SQL) editions (do the following in SQL Studio Manager):
- Enter the following command to verify if OptionsString contains QuickPrint reference:
- Select * from SY_ReportOption
where optionsString like '%QUICKPRINT%'
- Note: If no records are displayed, then another issue is causing error
- Enter the following command to remove QuickPrint reference from OptionsString:
- UPDATE SY_ReportOption
SET OptionsString = REPLACE(OptionsString,'QUICKPRINT$="";','')
WHERE OptionsString like '%QUICKPRINT$%'
- Run the previous query to verify there are no records containing QuickPrint
Possible Workaround:
Instead of Quick Printing, print regularly:
- Example:
- Complete a sales order or purchase order. Do not Quick Print.
- Open Sales Order (or Purchase Order), Main menu, Sales Order Printing (or Purchase Order Printing)
- Enter the Order Number
- Click Print