How do I delete multiple General Ledger accounts at the same time?
[BCB:5:Third-party support:ECB]


Use Copy Chart of Accounts to delete accounts.

Follow the steps below to remove General Ledger accounts from your live data folder and into an archive data folder:


  • If you want to delete a full account that no longer has a base account using Copy Chart of Accounts, you must set up the base account again. The General Ledger Copy Accounts Summary journal will show “Account xxx-xxxx-xxxxx could not be copied, Base not found.” if the base account is not recreated. Refer to Error: Base not found for steps on how to setup a base account in General Ledger.
  • If the accounts have transactions, refer to How do I retire a General Ledger prefix and full accounts? for details on how to move transactions, accounts and prefixes to a retired data folder.
  • A possible workaround could be to use Record Level Security to restrict access to the prefix (see How does record security work in General Ledger?). For detailed instructions setting up security, review your User's guide.
  • All users must be out of all applications in both company data folders (the source and destination) in order to perform the Copy Chart of Accounts function and avoid a "file in use" message.
  1. Create a backup of the entire data folder. Refer to How do I use File Tools to back up data files?
  2. In General Ledger, from the Reports menu, select Lists and print the following reports:
    • GL Settings
    • Prefix A
    • Prefix B
    • Prefix C
    • Note: Print additional prefix reports depending on how many prefixes you use.
  3. Create a new folder for archived accounts and transactions, if one does not exist.
    1. From the File menu, select New Company.
    2. Type Archive and then your company name. For example, Archive Timberline Construction.
    3. Press the TAB key.
    4. Select the Use current setup check box. Do not clear the check box if it is already selected.
    5. Accept or change the Data folder path name and click OK.
  4. Create the General Ledger master file in the new data folder.
    1. In General Ledger, from the File menu, select Company SettingsGL Settings.
    2. Click Yes to the message, "Please be sure the account format has been set in Custom Descriptions before you begin."
    3. Click OK to the message, "The master file was not found, the file will be created."
  5. Set the General Ledger default options for the new data folder.
    1. In GL Settings, the Fiscal EntityRetained Earnings Account and Suspense Account must be identical to the live data folder. Use the reports from the live data folder to assist you.
    2. Click OK.
    3. Click Yes to the message, "Suspense account not found. Add suspense account?"
    4. Click OK to the message, "The prefix containing the fiscal settings is not setup."
      • Note: Do not enter any prefix information. This is copied from the live data folder.
  6. From the File menu, select Open Data Folder, select your live data folder, and then click OK.
  7. In General Ledger, from the Setup menu, select Copy Chart of Accounts.
  8. In the Copy Chart of Accounts - Destination File Selections window, in the Look in list, select your archive folder (created in step 3 above).
  9. Click Open twice. Select Accounts and related records.
  10. Verify that the check boxes are selected:
    • Include custom fields
    • Include attachments
    • Delete records after copying
  11. Click OK.
  12. Click Ranges, select the accounts you want to delete, and then click OK.
  13. Click Start. If you print to file, type a file name and click Save.
  14. Review the journal and verify the deletion of the correct accounts.
Steps to duplicate
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