How do I remove old items from my aging reports?

Transactions in closed years

Transactions in closed years can't be modified or deleted.

  • To clear an old transaction from an aging report, apply a reversing transaction against it
  • Date the reversing transaction in the first open period

If the transaction that needs to be removed is in a closed year but doesn’t have a reference assigned, see: How do I assign an invoice number to an invoice from a closed year?

For accounts receivable transactions:

  • If the amount on the aging report is positive, the transaction is an invoice or refund; apply a credit memo against it. See How to Enter a Customer Credit Memo and How to apply a credit memo to an invoice
    • For refunds, create a credit memo in the same amount, then apply them against each other on the Receive Money window
  • If the amount is negative, the transaction is a pre-payment, credit memo, or overpayment. Create an invoice for the same amount. Click Pay Now and apply the credit against the invoice. See How to create a sales invoice

For accounts payable transactions:

  • If the amount on the aging report is positive, the transaction is an invoice or refund. Apply a vendor credit memo against it. See How to enter and apply a Vendor Credit Memo
    • For refunds, create a credit memo in the same amount, then apply them against each other on the Payments window
  • If the amount is negative, the transaction is a pre-payment, overpayment, or vendor credit memo; create an invoice for the same amount and apply the credit against the invoice. See How to create a Purchase Invoice
  • Paid items will continue to show on the aging reports when the report date is before the reversing transaction.

 NOTE: The above transactions will adjust your general ledger. If this isn’t what you want, you’ll need to make an adjusting journal entry to back out the transaction entered. 


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