How do I delete, void, or remove a transaction in Cash Management?


Consider before deleting transactions in Edit Register:

Delete Cash Management transactions or entries as follows:

  1. From Tasks, select Edit Register.
  2. Select the related bank account and click OK.
  3. Find and select the row that corresponds to the transaction that you want to delete.
  4. Right-click the black arrow for that transaction row.
  5. Select Delete Row and click Yes.
    Note: If the entry entered as a Bank Transfer, be sure to delete the other side of the transfer from the other bank account.
  6. Click Finish and Start to print your journal.
  7. Post the reversing entries in Cash Management and in General Ledger (Tasks, Post Entries).
  8. You may need to update your bank balances after deleting entries. See Deleted transactions in Edit Register do not update bank balances for more information

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