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How can I export a Year to Date Ledger to Microsoft Excel?

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How to print a ledger in Microsoft Excel


Use the Account Ledger with Detail report in Office Connector

Section I: Open Office Connector

  • Use Option I for Office Connector Starter that comes with Sage 300 CRE.
  • Use Option II if you own the Standard or Designer edition of Office Connector.

Option I: Office Connector Starter

  1. From the Sage Desktop, under Applications, select Excel-Based Reporting - Office Connector, Account Ledger with Detail.
    • Alternate method:
      1. From Windows Start menu, under the Sage group, open Office Connector Starter. Or Search for Office Connector Starter.
      2. In the Office Connector Desktop window, select the Starter tab.
      3. Double-click the Account Ledger with Detail report to open it.

Option II: Office Connector Standard or Designer editions

  1. From Windows Start menu, open Office Connector Launch Pad. Or Search for Office Connector Launch Pad.
  2. In the Office Connector Desktop window, select the Reports tab.
  3. Double-click the GL Account Ledger with Detail report to open it.

Section II: Using the report

  1. When the Excel workbook opens, you may receive a notification message about adding Event1 Software as a trusted publisher. You can close this message.
  2. At the top of the Excel workbook, you may have a Security Warning. Click Enable Content.
  3. The Information tab (or sheet) contains information and instructions about using this report.
  4. Select the Admin tab (or sheet). Enter your report parameters on this tab.
    • Account Mask: For information about this parameter, see the Event1 Software Knowledgebase topic: How do I use pattern matching with GL accounts?
    • Accounting Date Range: Enter the desired date range.
    • Accounting Method: Select the appropriate method: Accrual or Cash
    • Include closing entries: Generally you will not mark this box for the report to behave the same as the GL Current Ledger or YTD Ledger. Only mark the box if you specifically want to see the closing entries and want them included in the totals. Closing entries have an accounting date as of the Fiscal Year End date, which means the Income, Cost, Expense, and Other Income type of accounts will show a 0.00 balance at the end of the year and the Retained Earnings account will reflect the closing entries.
    • Include account summary lines: Mark this box to have totals for each account. The total line will be at the beginning of the account above the detail. If this box is not marked, you will only see the transactions and no totals.
  5. After your parameters are entered, click the Refresh Report button.
  6. The report will generate on the Ledger tab (or sheet). This should automatically open.
    • Note: Excel has a limitation of importing 65,536 rows. If your parameters include too much data, the report will stop at row 65,536. You will need to adjust your date range or the accounts you are including (i.e. instead of the wild card % to include all accounts, run it by prefix).
  7. If you determine you need to change your parameters, click the Admin tab, make your changes and click Refresh Report.
  8. If you need to share the results with others who do not have access to Office Connector, open a new workbook, then copy the contents of the Ledger sheet, and paste to the new workbook using the Paste Values option.
  9. When finished, close the Account Ledger with Detail Excel report window and select Do not save when asked if you want to save.

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