This page helps support handling of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), including these topics:
- How do I know if I need to file 1094 and 1095 forms
- How do I determine if I am a Applicable Large Employer
- How do I prepare 1094-C and 1095-C forms
- How do I prepare 1094-B and 1095-B forms
- Error: "You are not authorized to access this task" when trying to access the ACA menu after installing a product update
If you have specific tax or form related questions, contact a tax advisor, CPA and/or the IRS. Example: which Transition Relief or Safe Harbor code to use. Sage Customer Support cannot provide accounting advice.
If Covered Individuals' details are not appearing correctly on forms, see Setup ACA Employee Maintenance below, step 6.
In addition to Sage City, and the DocLinks below, we recommend these pages on the IRS website,
- Affordable Care Act (ACA) Tax Provisions
- IRS - Affordable Care Act Legal Guidance and Other Resources
- Instructions for 1094-C and 1095-C Forms
- Questions and Answers on Employer Shared Responsibility Provisions Under the Affordable Care Act
- Questions and Answers on Reporting of Offers of Health Insurance Coverage by Employers (Section 6056)
- Information Reporting by Providers of Minimum Essential Coverage
- Reporting requrements for applicable large employers (PDF)
- Guide to employer reporting requirements (PDF)

After upgrading or installing the applicable product update, you must enable Role Security:
- Open Library Master, Main menu, Role Maintenance
- Select applicable Role from look up
- Select the following check boxes:
- On the Tasks tab, expand Payroll, Maintenance/Data Entry, select the ACA Employee & ACA Employer Maintenance check box
- On the Tasks tab, expand Payroll, Reports/Forms, select the ACA Applicable Large Employer Report check box
- Click Accept
Determine if you are an Applicable Large Employer
Note The ACA Applicable Large Employer Report is offered as a self-help tool for your independent use. Sage cannot and does not guarantee the report's accuracy or applicability to your circumstances. To comply with the Affordable Care Act, hours of service must be reported by calendar month. Because hours worked are tracked by pay periods in Sage 100 and pay periods may span more than one month, a calculation is performed to get an approximate monthly total. The total is an estimate and may not reflect the actual hours worked. For specific tax or legal advice, see a professional tax service provider or an attorney, as appropriate.
- Open Payroll, ACA menu, ACA Applicable Large Employer Report
- Select Starting Date and Ending Date Note The maximum range is 12 months. Because of the need to prorate the hours worked for pay cycles that span multiple months, the report calculations will be more consistent when you generate the report for the maximum 12-month date range. If the report is generated for a shorter date range, the prorated hours for some months may not be reflected in the report totals.
- Print Seasonal Employees: Select this check box to include information for seasonal employees in the report. Seasonal employee information is printed in a separate section on the report, and their information is not included in the report totals. Clear this check box if you do not want to include seasonal employee information in the report
- Print Totals Only: Select this check box to print totals only. Clear this check box to print employee details
- Earnings are excluded by Selecting the Exclude from ALE report in Earnings Code Maintenance. Note Only earnings codes that use the Standard and Add Amount to Rate entry methods are included in the report calculation
- Make any other selections as needed
- Print and review the report. Change selections and reprint if needed
- Close the task window
- Click Yes, when the following message appears asking if you want to update the ACA Employer file
- After clicking Yes, the employee counts are then updated to the ACA Employer file which appear in the ALE Member Information - Monthly window accessed from ACA Employer Maintenance.
- Notes:
- Because of the need to prorate the hours worked for pay cycles that span multiple months, the report calculations will be more consistent when you generate the report for the maximum 12-month date range. If the report is generated for a shorter date range, the prorated hours for some months may not be reflected in the report totals.
- For information on how the employee totals are calculated, refer to the article How are hours calculated on the ACA Applicable Large Employer report
Setup ACA Employer Maintenance
Use ACA Employer Maintenance to enter information that will appear on Form 1095/1094-b OR 1095/1094-C.
- Open Payroll, ACA, Employer ACA Maintenance
- Enter the applicable Calendar Year
- The Employer Name, Address and EIN auto populated from Company Maintenance (to make changes go to Library Master, Main, Company Maintenance)
- Enter the Contact Name and Contact phone number
- Select the ACA forms to use. 1094-B/1095-B OR 1094-C/1095-C
- If your company is a Designated Government Entity, fill in all applicable fields
- Select the check box, if your company is an ALE Member Part of an Aggregated Group during any month of the calendar year.
- Click Other Members button, enter the names and federal employer identification numbers (EINs) of other members of the same group.
Click Monthly Detail button to enter information for each month. You can automatically update the employee counts when you print the ALE Report
**See Determine if you are Applicable Large Employer Report section of this article -
In the ALE Member Information - Monthly window, enter and review the following for each calendar month:
Min Essential Coverage - Select this check box if your company offered full-time employees an opportunity to enroll in an employer-sponsored health care plan that meets the ACA minimum essential coverage requirements. Clear this check box if your company did not.
Full-Time Employee Count - Enter the number of full-time employees. This field can be automatically filled in by generating the ACA Applicable Large Employer report and then clicking Yes when asked if you want to update the counts to the ACA Employer file.
Total Employee Count - Enter the number of full-time and full-time equivalent (FTE) employees. This field can be automatically filled in by generating the ACA Applicable Large Employer report and then clicking Yes when asked if you want to update the counts to the ACA Employer file.
Aggregated Group - Select this check box if your company is a member of an aggregated group. Clear this check box if your company is not a member of an aggregated group.
Transition Relief Indicator - If your company is eligible for section 4980H transition relief, enter the code indicating the type of relief for which it is eligible.
Setup ACA for Employees
- You can access from one of the following menu tasks:
- Open Payroll, ACA, ACA Employee Maintenance, select Employee No from look up
- Open Payroll, Main, Employee Maintenance, select Employee No and click ACA button from the drop menu under More.
- The 1095-C Electronic Consent Signed can be viewed only, if you access Main, Employee Maintenance, click on Taxes tab, scroll the end of the Federal tax line and check the 1095 consent box.
- NOTE: The 1095 Consent form needs to be completed and signed by the Employee. Form available in Period End, Federal and State Tax Reporting, Federal, Electronic 1095 Consent.
- If applicable, select Provided Self Insured Coverage
- Select this check box if the employee was enrolled in an Employer-sponsored self-insured health coverage offered by your company during any part of the calendar year.
Note: Selecting this check box will enable the Covered Individuals button, where you will enter additional information for each covered individual - Clear this check box if the employee was not enrolled in an Employer-sponsored self-insured health coverage offered by your company during any part of the year
- Select this check box if the employee was enrolled in an Employer-sponsored self-insured health coverage offered by your company during any part of the calendar year.
- Click Monthly Details button, for each calendar month, do the following:
- TIP: If the employees information is the same for each month, enter information in the first row, and then click the Copy to Remaining Rows button
- Offer of Coverage - select the applicable code for the type of coverage offered to employees from look up
Indicator codes for employee offer and coverage - (this code populates into Form 1095-C Part II line 14) - Employee Share of Lowest Cost – enter the employee's share of the lowest-cost monthly premium for self-only minimum essential coverage providing minimum value that is offered to the employee. Enter the amount including any cents. If the employee is not required to contribute toward the premium, enter 0.00 (this amount populates into Form 1095-C Part II line 15)
- TIP: Press F2 to open the calculator
- Applicable Section 4980H Safe Harbor – select the applicable Safe Harbor code from look up (this code populates into Form 1095-C Part II line 16)
- Click Accept
- Click Covered Individuals button (this is only available if Provided Self Insured Coverage checkbox is selected)
- Use the Covered Individuals window to enter information for additional employee dependents who were enrolled in employer-sponsored self-insured health coverage offered by your company during any part of the calendar year. (this information populates into Form 1095-C, Part III).
- Enter the Full Name, Social Security #, Date of Birth and select applicable calendar months that each individual was covered (Including the employee)
- Notes:
- When entering the Employee name, ensure that their name is typed exactly how it is entered in the name field at the top of this window (which pulls from Employee Maintenance). As well as their Social Security # must match.
- If the individual does not have a Social Security number, enter his or her date of birth in the Date of Birth field. According to the IRS, if a date of birth is used, you must be able to prove that you made 3 reasonable attempts to obtain the social security number.
- Notes:
- Covered All Months - select this check box if the individual was covered for at least one day in every month of the year. Clear this check box if the individual was not covered for at least one day in every month
- Months - If the individual was not covered for at least one day in every month of the year, select the check box for each applicable month in which he or she was covered.
Clear the check box for any month for which the individual was not covered at least one day in that month.
- Enter the Full Name, Social Security #, Date of Birth and select applicable calendar months that each individual was covered (Including the employee)
- Use the Covered Individuals window to enter information for additional employee dependents who were enrolled in employer-sponsored self-insured health coverage offered by your company during any part of the calendar year. (this information populates into Form 1095-C, Part III).
- Click Accept
Create an Employer Contribution deduction for Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage
- The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires employers to report the cost of coverage under an employer-sponsored group health plan. Reporting the cost of health care coverage on the Form W-2 does not mean that the coverage is taxable. The value of the employer's executable contribution to health coverage continues to be executable from an employee's income, and it is not taxable.
Please refer to the article How do I report Employer-Sponsored Health Care coverage on the W2 form in Sage 100
How to generate Forms 1095/1094 forms
Note: A 1095 form will be generated for all employees who have information entered in the ACA Employee Maintenance > Monthly Detail and/or Covered Individuals screens
- Open Payroll, Period End, Federal eFiling & Reporting
- Select XXXX 1095/1094-C or XXXX 1095/1094-B **The 1094/1095 "B" forms only available in Sage 100 versions 2014 and higher. (XXXX=Tax Year)
- NOTE: If the 1095 forms are not listed in forms ID listing, select any form (i.e. 941 form) and click Accept. When prompted click Automatic Update, proceed through installation screens. When the form you selected opens, please close it and go back into Federal eFiling & Reporting and the 1095 forms should now be listed.
- Click Accept
- For more details please refer to the article How do I generate the required ACA forms in Sage 100
For information on which forms to use when printing the 1095/1094, refer to the article What forms do I use to print W2s, 1095s and 1099s
Additional Information:
- If you wish to import ACA information into Sage 100 using Visual Integrator module, please refer to the article Where are the sample ACA Visual Integrator jobs located