Getting Started: Database Set up (SQL)


About standard databases:

Sage Estimating stores your estimating information in three places:

• Address Book database for storing your contact information
• Estimate database for storing your estimates
• Standard database

The standard database stores all the information necessary to prepare an estimate, including labor, material, equipment, subcontract, and other items, prices, conversions, default factoring, takeoff formulas, and more. You can think of it as a price book that contains your estimating knowledge.

You can build a standard database from scratch or purchase an industry-standard database and customize it to suit your needs.
Sage Estimating standard databases typically consist of a three-tiered hierarchy:


Group phases (divisions) form the highest and most general level of a standard database. Group phases help you organize phases into work-related groups. For example, the Wood & Plastics group phase might include Fasteners - Nails, Sharpen Saws, and Framing - Plates phases.

Phases (subdivisions) help you organize items into groups of work-related tasks or material types. For example, the Framing - Plates phase might include Plates 2x4 RL, Plates 2x4x8, and Plates 2x4x10 items.

Items are the lowest level of the standard database and the building blocks for your estimates. Items represent specific tasks or materials, such as Framing - Sub Labor, and Plates 2x4x8.

Here are some links that can help you get started:


Setting up a new group phase (SQL)

Setting up a new phase (SQL)


Setting up a new item (SQL)

Setting up a cost category for an item (SQL)

Setting up a price code for an item (SQL)

Changing an existing item in the standard database (SQL)


Creating a variable (SQL)

Changing an existing variable (SQL)


Setting up a new formula (SQL)

Using functions in formulas (SQL)

Entering notes for a formulas (SQL)

Changing an existing formula (SQL)

Backup / Restore databases

How do I backup my SQL Estimating databases?

How do I restore my SQL Estimating databases?

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Steps to duplicate
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Getting Started: Welcome to Estimating (SQL)