[BCB:5:Third-party support:ECB] Prerequisites before printing the report - Confirm that there aren't any bank reconciliations in progress.
- Go to Cash Management, Setup, Bank Accounts, General tab. Confirm the Last reconciled date and the Last reconciled balance are correct. Verify the Last reconciled balance matches the ending balance on the bank statement.
- Outstanding or open items are correct and have a Reconciliation Status of O. Look for previously reconciled items changed to "O" for error correction but weren’t re-reconciled. Look for items that should be outstanding/open but aren’t. Their status may have changed to C or R. Correct items with a status of C to O or R before correcting balances.
- You can use CM Inquiry, Bank Register to see outstanding/open items. Drill down from Bank Account to transactions, and add a condition for the Reconciliation Status equal to O. If you find items with an incorrect Reconciliation Status, change the status of the transaction in Cash Management.
- Cleared but not reconciled items should have a Reconciliation Status of C. These items are marked cleared between bank statement reconciliations when using Import Cleared Checks. Look for previously reconciled items that have been changed for error correction that don't have the R status.
- Look for items that have a cleared status (C) but should be outstanding/open (O).
- To see cleared (but not reconciled) items, go to CM Inquiry, Bank Register. Drill down to the bank account transactions and add a condition for the Reconciliation Status equal to C. If you find items with the wrong Reconciliation Status, correct the status of the transaction in Cash Management.
Reconciling Cash Management - In Cash Management from the Reports menu, select Reconciliation, Bank Acct Bal Verification.
- Select the Register file and click OK.
- Click Print Preview or click Start to print the report.
- Review the report to verify your bank account balances are correct:
- Verify the Derived Bank Balance equals the Bank Account Bank Balance.
- Verify the Derived Posted CM Balance equals the Posted (CM) Balance.
- Verify the Derived Register Balance equals the Register Balance.
- Verify the Open Derived amounts equal the Open from Bank Account amounts.
- Verify the Unreconciled Derived amounts equal the Unreconciled from Bank Account amounts.
- If any totals don’t match, turn on Audit setup activity and correct the amounts the bank account. Use the derived balances from the Bank Account Balance Verification report as follows:
- In Cash Management, from the Setup menu, select Bank Account.
- If prompted, click Start to print the audit report.
- In the Bank account list, select your bank account.
- On the General tab, replace the Register balance with the Derived Register Balance.
- On the General tab, replace the Bank balance with the Derived Bank Balance.
- On the Totals by GL Cash Acct tab, replace the Posted (CM) Balance and Amount with the Derived Posted CM Balance.
- On the Totals by GL Cash Acct tab, determine the correct amount for each cash account and adjust the amounts accordingly. If you use multiple cash accounts with your bank account, verify and/or correct all your cash accounts. Delete any lines with blank cash accounts. When you finish, the amounts for each cash account should sum to the Posted (CM) Balance. In a one-to-one relationship, the amounts should be equal.
- On the Totals tab, replace the various open amounts with the appropriate Open Derived amounts.
- On the Totals tab, replace each of the various unreconciled amounts with the appropriate Unreconciled Derived amounts.
- Press ENTER to update the Open total and Unreconciled total after you correct the appropriate open and unreconciled amounts.
- Click Close and then turn off Audit setup activity.