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How to troubleshoot System Database Connection Error

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Steps to troubleshoot connection issues, which create the Sybase SQL Anywhere dialog for the Sage Fixed Assets Network edition.


The Sybase SQL Anywhere dialog indicates the client cannot connect to the Sybase engine on the server. Connection issues will create a Sybase SQL Anywhere dialog and provide the following messages:
  • System Database Connection Error
  • Error: "Unable to connect to the system database. Please contact your system administrator"
  • Error: "Unable to create name resolver"



  • The following requires administrative access to the server and client
  • Ensure there are no other machines running a Sybase engine with the same Enginename on the network. Multiple engines with the same name can cause conflict or crosstalk.
  • Supported WAN or VPN connectivity requires Citrix or Terminal Server Services. For more information, see Sage Fixed Assets supported versions - System Requirements

On the server:

  1. Go to Windows Start, Programs, Sage Fixed Assets, right-click the Database Utility - Network Depreciation & Tracking and select Run as administrator.
    • When running the Database Utility - Network Depreciation & Tracking, if the Sybase SQL Anywhere dialog appears again, the service isn’t running or no longer taking requests. To start the Sage Fixed Assets Service, either user Administrative Tools\Services or run the service manager executable directly. In Windows Explorer, browse to C:\SFAServ\Common\, right-click the fassvcmgr.exe and select Run as administrator. See How to troubleshoot Sybase Service start up issues for more troubleshooting steps.
  2. Select Service Manager and ensure the service is running.
    • If the service is running, Stopping and Starting the service may drop any ghost connections and allow the Clients to connect. See How to clear ghost connections
    • If the service is running but the Sybase SQL Anywhere dialog appears again on the server, click OK, then Next. In the Start-up box, replace the X value with, and click Finish.
      Example: {HOST=} -ga -qi
  3. In the Sage Fixed Assets Service Manager:
    • Check the Parameters. The default parameters are: -gp 4096 -ti 0 -tl 120 -gd all -n SFA_Engine
      Note: The -n parameter specifies the Engine Name broadcast on the network. It can be set to anything without spaces or special characters (other than underscores)
    • The Startup type is set to Automatic
    • The Logon account is LocalSystem
    • The Executable path is correct
      • The default executable path is C:\SFAServ\Common\dbsrv17.exe
      • The path may vary based on selection made during installation
  4. On the Share, ensure the SYSTEM account, Administrators, and Fixed Asset Users have Full Control of the SFAServ share for both Sharing\Permissions and Security.
  5. On the server, go to the Registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\wow6432node\Best Software\NWBESTSYS
  6. Note the Data values for the following keys (include upper/lowercase letters to match exactly). Use these to check the values on the client:
  7. Edit the install.cfg file located in the C:\SFAServ folder to match the connection values on the server:
    • Enginename = <match the -n Parameter or ENGINENAME>
    • BESTSYS = <match the LOGICALNAME value. The default is C:\SFAServ\BESTSYS.DB>
    • PARAMETERS = <{HOST =} -ga -qi. Enter the IP address of the server in place of>
  8. Run a repair install on the remote client
  9. Check the Windows Firewall in the Control Panel on the server. If the Windows Firewall is on, create inbound and outbound rules to allow communication over TCP Port 2638. See How to add firewall exceptions.

On the Client:

  1. In the Registry of the Client system go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\wow6432node\Best Software\NWBESTSYS.
  2. Enter in the exact values from the server for ENGINENAME, LOGICALNAME
    Note: The default and recommended connection path is the server’s local drive letter path to the Bestsys. Don’t use a mapped drive or UNC path.
    Example: C:\SFAServ\BESTSYS.DB
  3. Check the Firewall on the Client. If the Windows Firewall is on, enter exceptions TCP Port 2638 for both Inbound and Outbound rules to allow the Client program through the firewall. See How to add firewall exceptions for details.
  4. If the Sybase SQL Anywhere dialog appears again, select Next
  5. Select tcpip, Replace the Xs from {HOST=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX} with the IP of the server and select Finish.

Note: for 2024.1 if all the steps above have been completed and the client still doesn’t connect, See Unable to open the Database Utility or connect remote clients - Network 2024.1 to download the DLL to place on the workstation to fix this issue.

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