Error: "Cannot perform the selected option..."


To verify no other users or tasks are running, select File, Network Status from the Launcher menu.

To resolve, perform the following:

  1. Disconnect users using the DBRegister utility
  2. Close open files on the Sage BusinessWorks server
  3. Ensure that there are no products that integrate with Sage BusinessWorks open
  4. On the server, stop and restart the database engine(s)
  5. Verify the Sage (parent) folder is shared with full control to all Sage BusinessWorks users
    Note: It is recommended that full control rights be given to the "SYSTEM" user to the Sage folder
  6. If the error persists, uninstall Sage BusinessWorks on the computer having the issue and reinstall

[BCB:163:Chat BusinessWorks US:ECB]

Steps to duplicate
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